
Sunday, October 26, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) 'Experts' posioning political space

'Experts' posioning political space
Nyarai Chidemo:
Thu, 23 Oct 2008 10:19:00 +0000

CRITICS in Zimbabwe’s online publications, many of whom have been mistakenly labeled political, legal and social experts, have been instrumental in fostering a political culture that is bent on creating distrust and revenge as they are driven by naked ambition and strive to make a mark in society.

Many so-called intellectuals, who have often misfired in their earlier predictions about the future of Zimbabwe, are still afforded a huge place in the media (especially online media) where they continue to poison the political space.

As a Zimbabwean who has been watching from the sidelines for a very long time, I have come across many ‘analysts’, who have been driven by the need to just write something to fulfill the demands of their column, rather than by idealism.

How can one person be writing a column every week for almost three years and not admit making mistakes?

When do many of these so-called Doctors, Analysts, Experts take time to reflect on the issues unfolding?

Even people like Professor Welshman Ncube, Professor Jonathan Moyo, and many other commentators on our political scene sometimes take time to reflect.

I urge those so called columnists, to sometimes stop poisoning the political space by their weekly rants which, if read in totality contradict themselves and smack of confused wannabe intellectuals who do no know that which they write about.

There were many analysts who were predicting a resounding victory for Dr Simba Makoni in the March 27 presidential elections, nothing wrong with that, but they are now solidly behind Morgan Tsvangirai. These people have changed their positions many times and thus poisoned the political space.

What happened to idealism and principle? I think Mr Editor, you should discourage those unprincipled, un-sidealistic contributors who think they have the right answers and get it wrong all the time from writing.

Nyarai Chidemo

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