
Saturday, October 11, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Is Tsvangirai his own man?

Is Tsvangirai his own man?
Anonymous contributor
Thu, 09 Oct 2008 00:02:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR – One has to feel sorry for opposition MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai because it is quite obvious that he is not his own man. That is why he has been playing golf with McGee (the US ambassador to Zimbabwe) so that he can be coached on what to say and do.

These negotiations are really between Zanu PF and the West and not between MDC-T and Zanu PF. Isn't it odd that Tsvangirai now wants the services of former President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa and yet at one time he wanted him removed from that role?

Tsvangirai is now pontificating about the suffering of Zimbabweans and yet he is allowing the West's quite visible hand to determine the destiny of Zimbabwe.

His own family is not suffering. His children are in Australia, etc and can stay in South Africa and have more than four square meals per day.

Tsvangirai does not know what poverty is and what starvation is. Why is he crying more than the bereaved? All he wants is power for himself and to unlock the riches of Zimbabwe to his backers.

Maybe it is now time ordinary Zimbabweans make a stand against Tsvangirai and his likes.

Zimbabweans should ask Tsvangirai to ask his backers to remove their sanctions immediately. Why has he kept his silent about the sanctions? As Zimbabweans we now need the answers from Tsvangirai. He called for the sanctions to be imposed in the first place and it is his responsibility to ensure that the sanctions are removed immediately.

What is he afraid of? We all have been beneficiaries of a first class education (post independence) in Zimbabwe. How can he grandstand now and talk of the collapse of the education system in Zimbabwe knowing fully well that the sanctions he called for have been the main culprit of the economic woes Zimbabwe is under?

No leader anywhere in the world has ever called for sanctions against his own country and people? Yet Tsvangirai has done so.

MDC have failed to run any local government properly in the past, let alone the city of Harare. MDC has no experience of running any ministry. Isn't it better to crawl first before one runs? Running a government requires learning from those already doing so. Even Zanu PF had to learn from the Rhodesian Front (of Ian Smith).

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