Monday, October 06, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Mavambo mvt adopts party constitution

Mavambo mvt adopts party constitution
Ralph Mutema
Mon, 06 Oct 2008 01:41:00 +0000

FORMER Finance Minister Simba Makoni’s Mavambo/Dawn/Kusile movement last week adopted the proposed party's constitution, policies and principles at a national management committee meeting.

Sources say Dr Makoni confirmed that the name of the party will be the National Alliance for Democracy (NAD) and would be launched at the end of the year.

It is believed that the constitution of the party sets a two five-year term limit for the president following the US style of governance.

Makoni contested the March 29 presidential election as an independent candidate against President Robert Mugabe, MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai and another independent candidate Langton Towungana and came out third in the poll.

Denford Magora, the movement's spokesperson, in an email to the Zimbabwe Guardian confirmed that consultations were taking place in the movement.

He said the adopted draft constitution and the proposed policies and principles have since been taken to the country's 10 provinces for "further consultation and input" from Mavambo's supporters and members. He added that the constitution will be posted on their website to inform and get feedback from their supporters and stakeholders.

Magora confirmed that all provinces, including the three in Matabeleland that threatened to leave the movement, attended the meeting.

"We are being methodical in our approach because this new party is owned by the people, just as Makoni himself is owned by the people of Zimbabwe," Magora said.

Magora also explained the movement’s role in the new Zimbabwe. He said, “Our job at Mavambo now is to keep this government honest, to ensure that we focus on the emergency crises facing the nation.”

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