
Friday, October 10, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Murombedzi is right on the MDC

COMMENTS - Has anyone observed that the Ukrainian Orange Revolution is beginning to unravel? Take heed! Add to that the colour revolution that installed the anti-democratic Saakashvili in Georgia, where he basically did the US's bidding during the last election and killed thousands of people in South Ossetia, provoking Russia to (over-) react and invade Georgia. Never mind that John McCain's foreign policy advisor is a paid lobbyist for the government of Georgia. Under George Bush, colour revolutions are just ways to install governments that will do the west's bidding, not about 'spreading democracy', which as elitists neoliberals don't believe in to begin with.

Murombedzi is right on the MDC
Reader's opinion
Fri, 10 Oct 2008 15:42:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR – (In response to Philip Murombedzi’s article entitled: “MDC Paradigm shift! What paradigm shift? SEE HERE) It is utterly mischievous of the MDC to complain about hate language in the Herald. Websites and newspapers sympathetic to MDC cause are filled with such unbelievable hate language against President Mugabe and Zanu PF and its supporters.

Yes the demonisation of President Mugabe and Zanu PF is in full throttle. That is a well known West's strategy when they want to effect regime change. Pity some of our Zim brothers and sisters are swallowing that line hook, line and sinker.

Majority of us Zimbabweans are very confused on what the MDC stands for. We have heard their slogans such as democracy, human rights, rule of law, governance etc. What do these terms actually mean?

At least with Zanu-PF, we know their positions on land reform, black empowerment, on sanctions etc.

Philip is right to ask what the position of the MDC is on such crucial issues.

Judging from the behaviour of some MDC members in terms of dissenting voices, I question their democratic credentials since they are very intolerant of such voices.

Some Zimbabwean students have had their education disrupted because of campaigns mounted by MDC supporters. Other Zimbabweans have been hounded out of their jobs as a result of MDC campaigns? That is not democracy. Is it guys? That is dictatorship.

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Zanu PF supporters have every right to belong to the party and should be very proud of the liberation credentials of the party.

Has anyone observed that the Ukrainian Orange Revolution is beginning to unravel? Take heed!

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