
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Now Salamao is not telling the truth as well!

Now Salamao is not telling the truth as well!
Patrick Makoni – Opinion
Wed, 29 Oct 2008 03:34:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR – The mixed stories coming out of the talks are now a cause for concern.

The Movement for Democratic Change party says discussions are underway on all the ministries (MDC Secretary General, Tendai Biti), 10 ministries (MDC Spokesman, Nelson Chamisa) and a few ministries (MDC Deputy President, Thokozani Khupe).

We have heard the Justice Minister, Patrick Chinamasa saying the only contentious ministry outstanding is that of Home Affairs.

Early Tuesday morning, the Secretary General of the Southern African Development Community (Sadc) Tomaz Salamao told a news conference that the only issue tabled and discussed pertained to the control of the Home Affairs ministry.

For the sake of informing the public, could someone please tell us whether the Secretary General of Sadc is not telling the truth. The MDC said that Justice Minister, Patrick Chinamasa was not telling the truth when he said only one ministry was left to be allocated.

Now that the Executive Secretary of Sadc has said the same thing, shall we conclude that only the MDC is telling the truth and everyone else is not? Why is it that the other MDC formation, led by Arthur Mutambara, told Voice of America radio that the negotiators are down to only one ministry? Could he be not telling the truth as well?

Biti issued a statement on Tuesday saying the two unity documents, one signed on September 11, 2008 and another formally signed on September 15, 2008 were very different from each other. Nelson Chamisa said the two documents only had typographical errors - a statement corroborated by party President, Morgan Tsvangirai. Salamao said there was no problem in the amendment of the typographical issues and that there "was consensus here". This issue was underwritten in the Sadc Communique issued.

Why is it that the party President and Secretary General are speaking with different voices?

Is Tendai Biti playing politics with the issues at hand to satisfy his political ambitions by rejecting a Sadc Communique which the other MDC faction agreed with?

We deserve to know the truth.

Patrick Makoni – Opinion

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