
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Quotations from Zimbabwe’s 'future leaders'

Quotations from Zimbabwe’s 'future leaders'
Peter Chimutsa - Opinion
Tue, 21 Oct 2008 03:56:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR – Please allow me to highlight some very offensive words used by the MDC leadership yesterday. I was shocked that an incident of a passport could attract such words and I wonder how the all-inclusive government is going to work when people use such words.

"Somebody has to knock sense into the head of Mr. Mugabe" – Tendai Biti, Secretary General of the MDC. SADC should try to get into Zanu (PF) psyche and deliver a solution," – Biti.

"SADC must stand up to Mugabe's shenanigans.” – Arthur Mutambara, President of the smaller faction of the MDC.

"We are sick and tired of Mugabe's rubbish now. How do you have a prime minister being denied a passport?" – Mutambara

This is the language that still characterises a leadership that wants to control what it calls “key ministries”.

I wonder where we are going to be in the next few years as a country with such leadership. Even the late Joshua Nkomo (may his soul RIP) did not use such foul language even when he felt his life was in danger.

Zimbabwe needs a new calibre of leaders, not the current crop that seems to be directed by puberty pangs, more than by commonsense. ironically, these two individuals have court cases pending for using "foul language"!

The MDC leadership should know that to any action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction.

Peter Chimutsa

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