
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Soros prediction and the MDC vision of Zimbabwe

Soros prediction and the MDC vision of Zimbabwe
Reader opinion
Mon, 13 Oct 2008 23:42:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR – (In response to George Soros’ prediction that there will be further fall in world markets). It is a well known fact that Soros is funding regime change groups in many developing countries including Zimbabwe.

MDC and other civic groups in Zimbabwe have been recipients of such largesse.

It is interesting to note that Soros is predicting another fall in world markets. Soros has a track record of benefiting from market crashes. For example, after the 1987 crash (Black Monday) Soros made billions from hedging his bets on the UK exiting the Exchange Rate Mechanism. During the same crash (1987), Warren Buffet (a very rich American) bought shares in Coca-Cola for US 5.76 dollars per share and ten years later the share price had risen to US88 dollars. That is a hefty return on investment.

The above examples illustrate that for some rich people, the global financial crises is an opportunity to get even richer. Wealth like energy can never be destroyed.

What is happening now during the global financial crisis is that wealth is being transferred from millions to a few very rich people. If shares have crushed, one can buy them cheaply. If house prices are falling, one can purchase a house cheaply etc.

Now transferring this scenario to Zimbabwe, the question then arises why MDC-T wants the Finance Ministry. MDC-T has never even run a beer hall in Zim, why is it hell bent on getting the Finance Ministry. The answer is that for the MDC-T, it is payback time to its backers.

The payback will be in terms of making the resources of Zimbabwe accessible to MDC-T backers. Land, minerals and companies will be offered to foreign investors at give-away prices in exchange for stabilization packages.

There will be an irreversible transfer of wealth from Zimbabweans to foreigners (couched under the guise of property rights, land rights, mineral rights, international law etc).

There will be unprecedented asset stripping in Zimbabwe. That is why the MDC-T wants the Finance Ministry because it will be the international bankers running the show rather than MDC-T.

MDC-T behaviour can be likened to that of an arsonist who sets fire to a building and then hangs around to douse the flames and then claim to be the hero of the hour.

MDC-T set the economic fire that is raging in Zimbabwe by calling for sanctions against the Zimbabwean populace in the first place. It shows a callous regard for the Zimbabwean populace by the MDC-T to now purport to have the solutions to the situation they caused in the first place.

If the MDC-T party really cares about their fellow Zimbabweans, they should ask for the sanctions to be removed immediately.

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