
Friday, October 17, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Zimbabweans must tolerate opposing political ideas

Zimbabweans must tolerate opposing political ideas
Reader opinion in response to columnist Dr. Philip Murombedzi
Fri, 17 Oct 2008 11:02:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR – [In response to Philip Murombedzi’s article published today (see here)] Frankly, the behaviour of some of the MDC-T supporters belies their mantra that they are democrats. Some of them would not recognize democracy if even it was staring them in the face. Their intolerance of opposing views is unbelievable, their insults are shocking, their tribalistic rhetoric is simply frightening.

MDC-T supporters should be careful that their actions do not tip the country into civil war. Yes, the majority of Zimbabweans question why all of a sudden MDC-T supporters such as David Coltart, Eddie Cross and Roy Bennett are crying more than the bereaved when they all had very significant roles during Ian Smith era to deny the Zimbabwean blacks their human rights.

All of a sudden these guys are democrats. A leopard never changes its spots. Black Zimbabweans extended a hand of reconciliation to these guys after independence and frankly, these guys' actions to date is a mockery of that gesture.

There are many Zimbabweans who would like to see Coltart, Cross and Bennett at the Hague for crimes against humanity. Threats against Murombedzi by MDC-T supporters should be strongly condemned.

Murombedzi is advised to report such low-lives to the authorities.

Murombedzi has a right to belong to Zanu PF and defend its values and beliefs just as MDC-T supporters are similarly allowed to do so.

Democracy is about engaging in peaceful debates and not violence, threats and hounding fellow Zimbabweans out of universities, jobs and countries just because they hold different political views.

Zimbabwe is for all of us irrespective of race, creed, political differences etc. Let us all build a peaceful and tolerant Zimbabwe.

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