
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

There's something wrong with Masheke's mind - KK

There's something wrong with Masheke's mind - KK
By Masuzyo Chakwe
Tuesday October 21, 2008 [04:00]

THERE is something wrong with General Malimba Masheke's mind, Dr Kenneth Kaunda has said. And Dr Kaunda has urged Zambians to accept whoever is elected in the October 30 presidential election.

Commenting on UNIP Revival Forum chairperson Gen Masheke's comments that Dr Kaunda was behind all the UNIP wrangles, Dr Kaunda who first laughed said he felt sorry for Gen Masheke.

"There is something wrong with the young man's mind. That's all I can say, I am sorry for him," he said.

When asked to comment on the allegations that he wanted to change the name of the party to the United National Integrated Party so that they could not be held accountable for the assets for UNIP since the party would have ceased to exist, Dr Kaunda said he did not want to waste time commenting on such things.

"No I don't think I should waste time on Zambians who are commenting on such things. I feel sorry for him, I feel sorry for him," Dr Kaunda said.

But when contacted for comment, Gen Masheke said if Dr Kaunda was saying he was sorry for him, then he was also sorry for Dr Kaunda.

Last week, Gen Masheke accused Dr Kaunda of being behind all UNIP wrangles and that party president Tilyenji Kaunda was a mere messenger and the rest of his followers were defenseless victims of circumstances.

Masheke said Dr Kaunda was busy destroying what he and other founding leaders built on.

But UNIP national council chairperson Joseph Kenani said the suggestion to change the name was a resolution of the national council, which met, and all resolutions had to pass through the congress for ratification.

"Nothing gets implemented without the congress' approval. So Gen Malimba Masheke should not draw the old man into the UNIP national council," he said.

He also denied suggestions that Dr Kaunda was behind the wrangles of UNIP as he was a founding father of UNIP.

"So until such a time of the congress, we will be using the name United National Independence Party," said Kenani.

And Dr Kaunda urged Zambians to continue being peaceful during the election period.

"Let the voice of the people speak. Whoever is elected, we must accept him, there is no her in that team, there are only hims. Whoever they give us Zambians, we must go by their decision," said Dr Kaunda.

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