
Friday, October 03, 2008

UPND receives 900 cattle for campaign purposes

UPND receives 900 cattle for campaign purposes
By George Zulu in Monze and Lambwe Kachali in Lusaka
Wednesday October 01, 2008 [04:00]

OPPOSITION UPND has received 900 head of cattle from people in five chiefdoms in Monze and Namwala districts for the purpose of campaigns. UPND Monze district chairperson Highvie Hamududu who is also Bweengwa member of parliament confirmed the donation.

Sources disclosed that the animals were donated from five chiefdoms namely; Choongo, Hamusonde and Moonze from Monze district and Mungaila and Nalubamba from Namwala district.

And Hamududu said that people from Bweengwa and Namwala districts donated an undisclosed number of animals to the UPND.
Hamududu, who did not want to be dragged much into the discussion, said there was nothing wrong for the people of Monze and Namwala to donate for the right cause of the country.

"People of Southern Province have always been good and generous. They also donated animals towards the struggle of our independence, and so what is wrong for these people to continue with their habit of making such donations?" he asked.

Hamududu said that people in Monze and Namwala and the entire Southern Province would continue making such donations in order to sustain democracy in the country.
"We don't want people to question us about who is funding UPND and where we are getting the money. No! The money and other materials are financed by our own members full stop," said Hamududu.

And sources said other animals would come from Choma, Kalomo, Mazabuka and Zimba to facilitate campaigns.

On Monday chiefs from all districts in Southern Province resolved to support MMD candidate Rupiah Banda for the October 30 presidential election.
But senior chief Chikanta of Kalomo district said although they resolved to support Vice-President Banda, opposition UPND has an upper hand and would scoop the majority vote.

In a ten-point resolution hammered out after a two-day indaba at Kozo Lodge in Choma, the chiefs said their decision to back Vice-President Banda was based on their wish to see the MMD properly complete its term of office in 2011.
Chief Nalubamba, who is the chairperson of the Royal Foundation said all the chiefs were unanimous.

But chief Chikanta said the voters would decide.
"It is not a secret that Southern Province is a stronghold of UPND and it is clear that despite this resolution by us chiefs, UPND will get three quarters of the votes. But I also welcome all political parties to come and campaign here because we chiefs will not go in the field to campaign for MMD. This was just our resolution and at the end of the day the voters will decide the candidate to vote for," said chief Chikanta.

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