
Saturday, October 11, 2008

Victory is certain, declares Banda

Victory is certain, declares Banda
By Zumani Katasefa in Mwansabombwe
Saturday October 11, 2008 [04:00]

MMD presidential candidate Rupiah Banda on Thursday declared that victory in the October 30 election is certain for him. And Patriotic Front (PF) cadres waved the fist, the PF symbol, at Vice-President Banda's motorcade as he went to address a rally in Mwansabombwe. Meanwhile, school pupils and teachers were asked to suspend classes so that they could attend Vice-President Banda's rally in Mwense which was later cancelled.

The cadres clad in PF T-shirts waved their fists as Vice-President Banda's motorcade drove from Mwata Kazembe's palace where he earlier paid a courtesy call and held private talks.

"Amaka! Amaka!" shouted the cadres as the motorcade drove to the ground where the rally was held.

And addressing the rally, Vice-President Banda urged the people of Mwansabombwe to vote for him on October 30, saying that he was the best candidate and was dedicated to their service.

"I have used my education to work for the people. I started fighting for the people at the age of 17," he said.

Vice-President Banda said he had received overwhelming support from chiefs saying that victory in the October 30 elections was certain for him.

He said his opponents did not have rich curriculum vitaes like himself.
"I am coming from a democratic party, MMD. I fought 15 other candidates who wanted to contest the elections on the MMD ticket," he said.

Vice-President Banda told the people that no one should cheat them that late President Mwanawasa wanted them to take over from him.

"If he wanted them, why didn't he appoint them as Vice-President?" he asked.
While Vice-President Banda was addressing the rally, some people in the audience murmured. He said once voted, he would work hard to improve the lives of the people of Luapula Province by encouraging investors to set up industries.

He said Luapula, like the Copperbelt and North Western provinces, was rich in mineral resources. He said once voted into office, he would economically transform Luapula Province.

Vice-President Banda promised the people that he would also improve agriculture and the growing of palm oil in Luapula Province. He said there were many problems in Zambia and called for unity among Zambians if the problems were to be successfully fought.

"We must stop abusing one another," he said.
And National Democratic Focus (NDF) president Ben Mwila told the gathering that he was supporting Vice-President Banda because he was the right person to lead Zambia.
He asked them not to support PF leader Michael Sata saying that his origin was questionable.

"Where have you heard the name Sata in Zambia elsewhere? You should ask him to go to Britain where he serviced to bring the certificate of service," he said.

ULP leader Sakwiba Sikota urged the people to vote for MMD because the party had the majority members in parliament.

"These other parties cannot deliver because they do not have majority MPs like the MMD and therefore they cannot deliver," he said.

And schools and other government institutions in Mwense were asked to suspended business so that they could attend the rally addressed by Vice-President Banda but the rally was later cancelled.

Children and school cadets where found at the ground near Mwense Secondary School where Vice-President Banda was supposed to address the rally.

Teachers who sought anonymity said a circular was sent around government institutions asking them to suspend classes so that they could attend the rally.

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