
Thursday, October 30, 2008

W/Province ULP chairman joins PF

W/Province ULP chairman joins PF
Written by Nyambe Muyumbana in Mongu

WESTERN Province United Liberal Party (ULP) chairman Simasiku Kalumiana has resigned from his party to join opposition Patriotic Front. In an interview, Kalumiana said his decision to resign from ULP was backed by his relatives, friends and ULP supporters in Nalikwanda Constituency, where he is former member of parliament.

Kalumiana said that ULP had lost direction and its core purpose of which it was founded upon, saying that it was only three individuals who were setting their selfish agendas for every one in the party.

He said that he found it unacceptable to be part of a party which had failed to enhance and advance the ideals of multiparty democracy which it stood for when it was formed.

"I have today decided to relinquish my position as provincial chairman for ULP in Western Province as well as member of ULP. This is as a result of serious searching for a right party to join as well as consultations with my family members, friends and supporters," he said.

"Today ULP is controlled by few individuals who are setting the agenda direction of the party for everyone and it's only these few people who are benefiting. Look at the pact between ULP and MMD, there was no formal meeting of the National Steering Committee to agree on that! That's why today it's only Shumina (ULP secretary general) and Sakwiba flying in the chopper to go for campaigns. No! We can't have only three people flying," he said.

Kalumiana said that it was so unfortunate that Sakwiba Sikota had reduced himself to such levels of following Rupiah Banda when he was in the actual sense supposed to run his own party.

Kalumiana said that it was clear that everyone in the country wanted change and said that he did not want to be one of the people who were standing in the way for change.

He declared that the support Sata was commanding across the country was unstoppable saying that it was sad that the MMD together with ULP were fighting it instead of harmonising it.

"For me I believe the wind for change is here. Whether it will happen on Thursday or 2011, the fact is the wind is here. What I'm doing is just a tip of an iceberg phenomenon otherwise the rest are waiting to come out in the open and resign from various parties to join PF," said Kalumiana.

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