
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Buti calls for unity in Africa

Buti calls for unity in Africa
Written by Katwishi Bwalya
Thursday, November 20, 2008 3:39:36 AM

YOUNG Communist League of South Africa (YCLSA) national secretary Buti Manamela has observed that the African renaissance will not be achieved as long as old leaders continue to cling on to power.

During the newsmakers forum organised by the Press Freedom Committee of The Post under the theme ‘Communism and African Renaissance’ held at Lusaka Play House on Tuesday evening, Manamela said unity among African countries was critical. Manamela urged the young people on the continent to strive and enhance the principles of African renaissance.

“If African renaissance is to prosper then old people should not cling on to power like what we are seeing on the continent. So it’s up to the African youths to deal with all those who want to stay in power for their own selfish benefits because African renaissance can bring about change and unite Africa,” he said.

Manamela also observed that Africa would not achieve economic independence if countries continued to be controlled by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

“African renaissance didn’t start with South Africa but it was only popularised by [former president] Thabo Mbeki when he was president because the de-colonisation of Africa marked the new formation of colonisation. But there was also need for Africa to unite and conquer the challenges facing the continent,” Manamela said.

He also urged African economies not to measure the economic growth through statistics.

“We are seeing people saying the inflation rate has dropped to 0.3 per cent, or that the economy has grown by 10.3 per cent but what they should know is that economic growth should be based on the social impact it has on the population because what is the essence of that growth when the entire population is wallowing in poverty?” he asked.

Manamela said youths also needed to understand their history so that they could understand their future.

Manamela said issues of unemployment, illiteracy and poverty had made the youths vulnerable.

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