
Saturday, November 15, 2008

(DAILY MAIL) ‘Don’t perpetuate tension myth’

‘Don’t perpetuate tension myth’

PRESIDENT Banda has asked certain sections of society to stop perpetuating the myth that there is tension in Zambia. “We have a democratically elected government in place and functioning security wings and government should not be forced to use excessive measures on its people.

“Those who feel aggrieved, please go to court because violence is not and will never be an answer,” Mr Banda said during his first press conference held at State House yesterday.

He thanked the people of Zambia for electing him as the country’s fourth republican President.

Mr Banda also thanked the MMD and all opposition political parties that supported his candidature.

He commended the Electoral Commission of Zambia for producing a map that indicated how Zambians voted in the October 30, 2008 Presidential poll.

Mr Banda said the map showed that the MMD covered most parts of Zambia and the ruling party deserved victory.

He reiterated his pledge to be President of all Zambians and work hard with his strength and intellect.

And Mr Banda said his Government would meet challenges of the current global financial crisis.

He said he took time in constituting his team because of the recent major changes that have occurred in the World.

Mr Banda said while Zambia benefited from high copper prices, the country faced the harsh reality of consuming expensive petroleum products.

He said Zambia’s situation in the global economy had become harsher, following the inflation that the country was now facing.

Mr Banda said because of the global financial crisis, people in some countries had reduced their expenditure on goods and services and that was why copper prices were now coming down.

“The mines are earning less money…and there will be less business and less work as mines cut their expenditure,” he said.

Mr Banda said in the light of what was happening in the global economy, the Zambian government could not sit idly by but respond and forge ahead.

“That is why I spent some time to assemble a team that can pull along with me…and I am confident that we will meet the challenges,” he said.

Mr Banda said he would work hard with his new cabinet to honour government’s undertakings.

He said the government must encourage emergence of other economic activities beyond copper mining.
Mr Banda said he would press hard for his government to create jobs and reduce poverty.

He said even if the world economy was in a crisis, indicators for Zambia were positive.

“The Kwacha has started gaining strength and the overall picture is that of peace and stability,” he said.

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