
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

(DAILY MAIL) JICA to submit Lusaka master plan

JICA to submit Lusaka master plan

JAPAN International Cooperation (JICA) says it expects to submit the K12.3 tillion Lusaka draft master plan to Government in March next year for approval.

The draft master plan is today being displayed to the public at an exhibition at the Lusaka City Council (LCC) in the Nakatindi Hall.

JICA’s Lusaka Sustainable Economic and Environment Development (LuSEED) team leader, Isamu Asakura, said the draft master plan would be submitted to the Minister of Local Government and Housing next year.

The plan is envisaged to turn Lusaka city into a metropolitan city.

Speaking in an interview in Lusaka yesterday, Mr Asakura said the exhibition was being held to sensitise the public on the plan and get responses from them.

He encouraged the general public, interested organisations, authorities and the media to take advantage of the opportunity and learn more on the draft master plan.

He said contributions and opinions were allowed for the improvement of the plan.

The exhibition is being held in conjunction with the Ministry of Local Government and Housing under JICA support from 18th to 21st November at LCC in the Nakantidi hall.

The exhibition would also be held at the Lusaka City Market from 20th to 23rd November while from 22nd to 23rd November it would be held at Arcades Shopping Mall.

Mr Asakura said once the plan was approved, it would be financed by Government, JICA and private companies among others.

JICA commenced the study of the draft plan in September 2007 and was expecting to have it ready by March 2009.

The main subprogrammes of the study included the development of urban transport network, railways, water supply, sewerage and upgrading of urban settlement and re-development.

Others were the development of Lusaka south Multi Facility Economic Zone.

Target years for the master plan include 2015 for the short-term plan, 2020 for mid-term plan and 2030 for long-term plan.

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