
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fake imported goods worry Chilipamushi

Fake imported goods worry Chilipamushi
Written by Fridah Zinyama
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 7:05:48 AM

COMMERCE permanent secretary Davison Chilipamushi has expressed concern over continued imports of counterfeit products into the country. During the commemoration of the World Standard’s Day hosted by the Zambia Bureau of Standard (ZABS) titled ‘Intelligent and Sustainable Buildings’ in Lusaka on Friday, Chilipamushi said something needed to be done about the importation of counterfeit products as they were not only expensive but also posed a serious threat to people’s health.

“It is a concern for us that counterfeit products have also continued to pass through our borders to other countries,” he said. “There is need for ZABS to improve its ability to detect counterfeit products that are being imported into the country.”

Chilipamushi said it should be the job of all stakeholders to ensure that consumers are protected from counterfeit products which can pose serious threats to people’s health.

And Minister of Works and Supply Kapembwa Simbao said there was need for all stakeholders involved in the construction sector to adhere to standards for Zambia to have quality buildings.

“Zambia’s construction sector has continued to grow due to the increase in the country’s economic activities,” he said. “And the improvement and growth of the sector brings with it consequences that stakeholders have to consider socially, economically and environmentally.”

Simbao said it was very important for the players in the construction sector to adhere to both the international and local standards of construction.

“It is a common sight in compounds to see buildings that have not adhered to the set standards of construction and such structures not only pose a threat to the people as they can collapse but are also an ugly part of this country’s building infrastructure which stakeholders are trying to improve,” he said.

Simbao said all stakeholders such as manufacturers of building materials and constructors need to adhere to standards and specifications of the construction sector.

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