
Sunday, November 30, 2008

(HERALD) Mujuru launches Champion Farmer programme

Mujuru launches Champion Farmer programme
Bindura Bureau

ACTING President Cde Joice Mujuru yesterday launched the Champion Farmer programme with a donation of seed, fertilizer and farm implements in Guruve District. Cde Mujuru gave the district 20 tonnes of maize seed, 3,5 tonnes of groundnut seed, four tonnes of cowpeas seed and 200kg of rapoko seed.

This is in addition to 89 tonnes of maize seed, 90 tonnes of Compound D fertilizer, 120 tonnes of Ammonium Nitrate and 17 800 litres of fuel already distributed by Government in collaboration with an NGO, Sustainable Agriculture Trust to the same district.

Addressing thousands of people gathered at Guruve Growth Point, Cde Mujuru expressed concern at some corrupt leaders who were abusing Government aid.

"We do not want leaders who, after receiving goods on behalf of the people, begin to think of themselves first. We want leaders who have the people at heart," Cde Mujuru said.

She said Guruve was currently preparing for the House of Assembly by-election and people should be accorded a chance to select a good leader who has their wishes at heart.

"I, as Vice President, cannot be seen pointing out at a leader for you. What would happen if that leader is lazy or maybe a sell-out who would fail to deliver during the election time?" She asked.

Cde Mujuru said Government was aware of the people’s plight especially on food and inputs, adding Government would continue distributing the little procured.

"We would like to ensure that each household manages to plant at least a hectare to avert a more serious food shortage next year," she said. Cde Mujuru said the country’s problems were a result of some opposition parties that believed politics was all about making their people suffer.

She said it was perplexing to note that as aspiring President (Mr Morgan Tsvangirai) had campaigned for sanctions against Zimbabwe.
"It is like a parent who asks a neighbour to discipline his/her own child," she said.

Zanu-PF Mashonaland Central Chairman Cde Itai Dickson Mafios, who accompanied the Acting President blasted some political heavyweights who were hijacking the Champion Farmers programme, at the expense of more dedicated ordinary farmers.

"The ruling party owes its success to the ordinary people and such programmes like Champion Farmer should be seen benefiting the ordinary man, the Zanu-PF backbone," he said.

Cde Mafios concurred with the Acting President that, in accordance to the ruling Zanu-PF principle, no one should be barred in the forthcoming Guruve by-election.

Cde Mujuru is expected to launch a similar programme in Mushumbi Pools in the same district today.

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