Sunday, November 23, 2008

It’s Govt’s desire to provide quality health services for all - Banda

It’s Govt’s desire to provide quality health services for all - Banda
November 23, 2008

Central province Minister Ackimson Banda says it is government’s desire that all citizens accessed quality health care especially in the rural part of the country.

Speaking when he handed over a newly constructed maternity ward to the ministry of health at Serenje district hospital , Sunday, Mr. Banda who is also Serenje member of parliament said government would ensure that health services were delivered as close to the people as possible.

Mr. Banda told a gathering that included Central province permanent secretary Deny Lumbama that the MMD administration was committed to improving the social economic well being of the people of Zambia.

He said government through the provincial administration, has sourced K225 Million to construct the maternity ward in the district.

Mr. Banda urged the health management and people of Serenje to look after the building well so that it could benefit the community and particularly the expecting mothers.

And provincial Permanent Secretary Denny Lumbama said the provincial administration was striving to supplement the efforts of line ministries in social service delivery.

Mr. Lumbana said the maternity ward was one of the eight facilities the provincial administration attended to starting last year adding that at Chitambo hospital, water and sanitation was improved apart from expansion of Masansa clinic and Ipongo Clinic, in Mkushi and Chimbombo districts respectively.

In Kabwe, Mr. Lumbama said the Kabwe general hospital mortuary was expanded.

He also appealed to the health management to take care of the maternity wing and encouraged them to strive to equip the ward with facilities saying he was aware that the department received quite substantial amount of money every months.

Mr. Lumbama said from the funding, the department could be putting aside a bit to improve such facilities like the maternity ward instead of just waiting that other people could do it for them to try to do things at their level.

He said in Chitambo constituency, there was a lot of work which needed to be done.

He appealed to the district director of health Dr. Tiza Mfune, to ensure that work to complete Mulaushi and Yorum Mwanje clinics were done quickly.

He urged Dr. Mfune to start positioning staff to be sent to work in the clinics so that they can give service to the communities and asked the health management team to take particularly attention on the workmanship and materials which are being used at Chipungu and others to get there because the reports reaching his office were sad.

And district director of health, Tiza Mfune commended government for constructing a maternity wing at the hospital saying it will create and privacy for expecting mothers.




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