
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Kayumba denies receiving $30,000 as inducement

Kayumba denies receiving $30,000 as inducement
Written by Inonge Noyoo

FORMER Zambia Air Force (ZAF) commander Lieutenant General Sande Kayumba has denied receiving US$30,000 from CAPITAN-EUROPE in exchange for a contract to supply goods to the defence institution.

Continuing with his defence in a case where he is jointly charged with chief of logistic Brigadier General Andrew Nyirongo on two counts of abuse of authority and separately charged with Base Chemicals executive director Amon Sibande on 21 counts of abuse of authority and corruption, Lt Gen Kayumba said he did not receive any inducement or reward from CAPITAN-EUROPE.

He said even from the deposit slips produced by the prosecution as evidence, there was no entry showing the US$30,000 alleged in the counts.

Lt Gen Kayumba said the deposit in the evidence by state was merely a list of deposits ranging from 30,000 pounds to 150,000 pounds.

He said a perusal of the documents and exhibits tendered by the state did not reflect the amount of US$30,000 he is alleged to have received from CAPITAN-EUROPE.

Lt Gen Kayumba said even Dr Iqbal Lenani in the evidence produced by the state confirmed that no payment of US$30,000 was made by CAPITAN-EUROPE.

He said though the indictment stated that he received US$30,000 from CAPITAN-EUROPE on July 14, 1999, he never received any money on that day.

Lt Gen Kayumba said the Lenani brothers who were running CAPITAN-EUROPE were his personal friends and had in some cases done business on his behalf.

Lt Gen Kayumba explained that he knew one of the Lenanis, Iqbal when he was at school in 1972 and thereafter he established both personal and business relationship with the rest of the family.

He said when he opened his company and started the business of supplying a cleaning chemical to hospitals and hotels, CAPITAN-EUROPE helped him with the export of the product.

He said he also had a precious stone business with the Lenani brothers.

Lt Gen Kayumba said at one time he opened an account in England which was ran by one of the Lenani brothers as they sometimes transacted on his behalf.

Defence continues.

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