
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

KK mourns Anne Chipimo

KK mourns Anne Chipimo
Written by Kelvin Tembo
Tuesday, November 04, 2008 4:26:27 PM

MANSA Diocese Bishop Aaron Chisha has said death is a temporary tragedy.
And Dr Kenneth Kaunda has described the late Anne Chipimo as a national leader.
During the requiem mass for the late wife of former ambassador to Germany and Japan Elias Chipimo Senior yesterday, Bishop Chisha said death raised a lot of suspicions and Christians should believe in the resurrection.

"Death is a temporary tragedy which raises a lot of suspicions," he said. Bishop Chisha advised the mourners to bring up their children with strong Christian values, as they were the future of the nation.

Bishop Chisha said the future of the country was not so bright because of the way children were being brought up.
And Dr Kaunda said Anne's death was a great loss and urged the family to look to God for guidance.
Dr Kaunda called on Zambians to pray for the husband, Chipimo, who was still in hospital.
Anne died on Wednesday last week in a car accident on their way to Mporokoso in Northern Province to cast their votes in week’s last presidential election.
Anne died on the spot while the husband was evacuated to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) with fractured ribs, forearm and a sore head. However, Chipimo's condition is stable.

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