
Monday, November 17, 2008


PANA Seed donates to MMCI
November 17, 2008

PANA Seed Company has donated 4.9 metric tones of Maize Seed, 700 Kilogrammes of Soya beans and vegetable seeds to the Maureen Mwanawasa Community Initiative (MMCI). The Maureen Mwanawasa Community Initiative (MMCI) is also a recipient of a mini Tractor from Transport –AID Japan.

PANA Seed Managing Director William Rulher-Ford Smith said the donation is aimed at ensuring food security for the vulnerable in society.

Mr. Smith said the MMCI was the best vehicle to reach the needy in society because the organization has striven to reach all corners of the country

Speaking at the same function, Transport-Aid Japan Director Leigh Berg noted that Zambia has great potential in farming.

Mr. Berg noted that improved farming techniques can ensure both household and national food security.

Receiving the donation MMCI Executive Director Miriam Nkunika said the donation would help uplift the living standards of the vulnerable in the country, particularly women.

Ms Nkunika said the farming inputs would be given to vulnerable women across the country.

And giving a vote of thanks on behalf of the beneficiaries, Chisamba Member of Parliament Moses Muteteka thanked PANA Seed and Transport –AID Japan for the gesture.


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