
Monday, November 17, 2008

(LUSAKATIMES) Police arrest 48 Monze High School pupils

Police arrest 48 Monze High School pupils
November 17, 2008

Police in Monze yesterday arrested 48 pupils of Monze Boarding High School for riotous behavior and causing damage to school infrastructure and property.
Police said the pupils also caused damage to the deputy headmaster’s office, the headmistress’s home and other staff houses.

Police officers on the scene told ZANIS that the pupils mobilized themselves and rioted after a Parent Teacher’s Association (PTA) annual general meeting held at the school where it was resolved that school fees be hiked from K420,000 to K510,000.
The pupils are said to have mobilized themselves against the resolution made in the PTA meeting on increasing school fees.

It has since been discovered that most of the pupils that were involved in the riot were grade ten and eleven pupils.

Police have since instituted investigations into the matter.

And when contacted for confirmation, Monze district education board secretary Josphine Shamputa said that the matter was under police investigations and could not comment any further.

Categories: Rural News

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