
Thursday, November 13, 2008

(LUSAKATIMES) There is no tension in the nation - MMD

There is no tension in the nation - MMD
November 13, 2008

The MMD in Kafue has described statements by opposition Patriotic Front leader, Michael Sata, that there is tension in the country after the Presidential elections as untrue and unfortunate, saying Zambia is a God-fearing nation.

Speaking in an interview in Kafue yesterday, MMD Kafue Constituency Publicity Secretary, Isaac Mulenga, said that Zambians are mature and peaceful people who cannot resort to any violence after elections because they know very well that polls were free and fair.

Mr. Mulenga stated that African politicians should learn from the American democracy where the loosing candidate can accept defeat and congratulate the winners without any strings attached for the sake of continuity and democracy.

He said Zambian people are peace-loving and-God fearing people and will always respect the will of the majority and cannot resort to anarchy.

Mr. Mulenga noted that it is wrong to claim that there is tension in the country when every thing is normal because the President Rupiah Banda is doing everything possible to unite the Nation.

He said he sees no reason for opposition parties to continue making alarming statements when the current President has extended an olive branch to their leaders to work with him to avoid running a divided nation.

He appealed to the police to investigate some of these alarming statements made by some opposition leaders because they have potential to cause unnecessary tension in the country.

Mr. Mulenga also urged the Zambian people to give the newly-elected President time to put his house in order because he was the only leader capable to take Zambia to higher heights.

He praised the Mr. Banda for reducing Visa fees by 300 per cent, saying this will boost tourism and bring foreign exchange in the nation.

He stated that Mr. Banda is the message of hope to all Zambians due to the fact that he is the only leader who is humble and capable of accomplishing late President Dr. Levy Mwanawasa’s agenda.

Mr. Mulenga thanked the opposition leaders such as Edith Nawakwi, Sakwiba Sikota, Tilenyenji Kaunda and Nevers Mumba for supporting Mr Banda for the sake of peace and continuity.


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