
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Matibini warns MPs against media regulation

Matibini warns MPs against media regulation
Written by Ernest Chanda
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 6:53:10 AM

LUSAKA lawyer Dr Patrick Matibini has called on parliamentarians
to consider the negative consequences of statutory media regulation before they formulate and enact such a law.

Commenting on recent calls by some members of parliament to regulate the media through a statutory body, Dr Matibini said such a move could have a negative bearing on Zambia's democratic process.

"I think that this matter needs to be approached very cautiously. We need to look at the issue very objectively, and the last thing we should allow or permit is to approach the matter in an emotive or emotional sense," Dr Matibini said.

He said press freedom was an important gift in any constitutional democracy.

"Press freedom and freedom of expression at large is a very important ingredient in any constitutional democracy. There is need to do everything possible in order to preserve the right of expression. It is very central to the promotion of democracy, to the maintenance of democracy and to ensuring that the citizens participate effectively and fully in national affairs," he said.

Dr Matibini said it was universally accepted that regulating the media was a great danger to democracy and development.

"It is generally accepted that statutory control of the media has its own obvious and inherent dangers and we need to disregard it. Speaking for myself, I think that the best mode of regulation is in fact self-regulation. I think that journalists or the media community should also make every effort to ensure that self-regulation takes root in this country," Dr Matibini said.

He appealed to all media houses to ensure a sustained self-regulation to avoid giving politicians a chance to stifle press freedom.

"In my considered view or opinion, the media community has not done sufficient work to ensure that we have sustained self-regulation. And I also believe that the only insurance, effective insurance which is better than statutory control is to have a vibrant self-regulatory mode," he added.

Dr Matibini said statutory regulation of the media could also reverse the gains the country had made so far in media freedom.

"I would like to stress again that the media plays a very critical role in the promotion and maintenance of democracy. It also plays a critical role in ensuring that the affairs of the nation are actually conducted in a transparent and accountable fashion. The moment we begin thinking of regulating the media, we may also begin reversing the gains that have been made so far in terms of consolidating democracy," said Dr Matibini.

On Thursday last week, Parliament adopted a report from the parliamentary committee on information and broadcasting that seeks to regulate the media. Most members of parliament were of the view that the media should be regulated.

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