
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Minister receives jeers over mention of Rupiah

Minister receives jeers over mention of Rupiah
Written by Katwishi Bwalya
Sunday, November 23, 2008 10:00:20 AM

COMMUNITY development minister Michael Kaingu was on Friday night booed by people that attended the Christian Arts Promotion (CHAPRO) awards ceremony after he attempted to deliver a special greeting from President Rupiah Banda.
Trouble started when Kaingu, who was guest of honour, was called upon to deliver his speech.

Kaingu took to the podium and said he had a special greeting from President Banda but the crowd booed him amid shouts of "pa bwato."

"I bring you greetings from His Excellency the President who wishes you well," Kaingu said as people shouted, "awe, awe, No, No, pa bwato, pa bwato."

Kaingu told the people that if they continued making noise, he would start singing.

"Awe [No]," the crowd shouted.

The audience became more incensed when Kaingu recognised the presence of Victory Ministries founding Pastor Nevers Mumba who was also in attendance.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I never thought I would share the same stage with this gifted man of God [Dr Mumba]," Kaingu said as the crowd continued shouting " No, no, no, pabwato, pabwato."

Kaingu then said he knew that the people wanted to shut him up and they responded: "Yes, yes."

The continuous shouts of "Pabwato" angered the minister, prompting him to abandon his speech.

"It is important that when you invite us as your leaders, you give us an opportunity to deliver our speeches because next time when we shun your programmes, don't blame us," Kaingu said but the audience continued shouting "No, No." Kaingu said "Please hear me because it is important that I deliver the speech so that I encourage the young ones. But since you don't want me to speak I thank you all for coming."

As Kaingu left the stage, there was jubilation from the audience and pastor Mumba ushered him to his seat.

After Kaingu's ordeal, CHAPRO secretary general Embron Ngoma took to the stage to apologise to the minister for what had transpired.

"I wish on behalf of CHAPRO to apologise for what has happened and it does not represent the views of CHAPRO and please when we invite you next time, Honourable Minister please we want you to come and please accept our apologies," Ngoma said.

The awards ceremony proceeded normally and Kaingu also gave out about three awards to deserving artistes before he left the venue.

South African gospel artiste Rebecca Malope also graced the awards ceremony and perfomed for close to an hour.

Local artistes Ephraim [Best Male Artist], Nathan Nyirenda [Most Popular Song], Golden Hearts [Best Acapella Group] and Joyce Mwanza [Best Female Artist] were among local gospel artistes that walked with trophies.

And shortly before he left, Kaingu in an interview said it was shameful that the audience refused to accept the greetings which he had brought from President Banda.

"Next time they should not behave like that because it is my duty as an elected [representative] and picked from the rest of the ministers to deliver the message. You know, it was shameful that even the greetings that I had brought from the President was rejected. But the message that was preached was washed away by what happened," Kaingu said. "I should have been given chance. After all it was not going to be long [the speech] and I was going to talk about piracy, so what is five to 10 minutes? People should learn to be patient.

"I only hope that people were not associating me with increment of the salaries. Maybe it is a reason they behaved like that, but let me also take advantage of this to say if you calculate those salaries per month you will find that a minister is getting less than K10 million per month but it is very little. But the whole issue has been blown out of proportion and it is your reporting that is bringing all this anarchy.

"But don't get surprised if next time we don't attend your function. I was assured by the Dr [pastor Mumba] that I was safe but with that shouting and behaviour I thought maybe the next thing I will receive is a blow from the Post Newspapers."

When asked to comment about the shouts of "pabwato", a slogan for the Patriotic Front, Kaingu expressed ignorance about the matter.

"I did not hear about that but it is unfortunate if they did that. I thought people wanted to listen to Rebecca Malope and I’m urging the organisers of these functions to start early next time," Kaingu said.

And Mission Press director Fr Miha Drevensek, who was in the audience, said what happened to Kaingu should make ministers understand that people were angry because they felt cheated

"Politicians should understand that people are angry everywhere they are because they feel cheated by politicians. But politicians should understand and let them solve all the problems. Let them not play because the people are angry and organisers should know how to handle politicians and know whom to invite and whom not to invite because now it was a clear reaction from the people that they are not happy," he said.

However, Fr Miha also commended Kaingu for the manner in which he handled the situation.

"He is a great man because if he were an idiot he would have reacted angrily. The man understands the situation and said 'okay' and he went to sit and he did not leave and I congratulate him because he never got angry," Fr Miha said.

Kantanshi Patriotic Front (PF) member of parliament Yamfwa Mukanga, who was also in attendance, said what happened was a sign that people did not want the greeting from the President because of the way the elections were handled.

"I was in the audience and I came to enjoy the evening as a Christian and to watch Malope, but it caught everyone unawares. People started shouting "pabwato" but the meaning of that is because people didn't want that greeting from the President. But it is a pity that the President was not around. He could have leant lessons from it," Yamfwa said.

Other notable people in the audience were Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) board chairperson Augustine Seyuba and Sinda FDD member of parliament Levy Ngoma.

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