
Thursday, November 20, 2008

MPs vote to increase their salaries

MPs vote to increase their salaries
Written by Lambwe Kachali
November 20, 2008 3:33:52 AM

MEMBERS of parliament, both opposition and ruling MMD on Monday unanimously voted in favour of the three Bills to increase salary and allowances for constitutional office holders and senior government officials.
During the last sitting of parliament President Rupiah Banda refused to assent to the Bills when they passed and suggested amendments, owing to the outcry of the general members of the public.

President Banda in his letter to parliament indicated that due to lack of resources the country had, it was necessary that the three Bills be further amended before he could assent to it.

President Banda said the country had spent a lot of money during the funeral of the late president Levy Mwanawasa and it was imperative that amendments be made to the Bills.

But when the Bills were brought back to parliament, Vice-President George Kunda said although a lot of money was spent during the funeral of late president Mwanawasa, the country had enough resources to cover the costs.

Kunda also said the committee that was tasked to make some amendments had done so.

He said since government had awarded all civil servants 15 per cent increment, it was necessary that the all constitutional office holders and senior government officials have their salaries and allowances increased.

“Mr Speaker I beg to move that the presidential emoluments [Amendment] Bill of 2008 be amended with words as circulated,” Kunda said.

At this moment Speaker of the National Assembly Amusaa Mwanamwambwa called for an electronic voting among members of parliament.

The Speaker guided members of parliament how to vote electronically.

On the presidential Emoluments [Amendment] Bill 119 members of parliament voted in favour of the Bill, nine voted against, while four abstained.

For the ministerial and parliamentary office holders [Emoluments] Amendment Bill, 122 members of parliament voted in favour of the Bill, six voted against, while six others abstained.

For the constitutional office holders [Emoluments] Amendment Bill 119 voted in favour, 13 voted against, while only two members of parliament abstained.

Thereafter, Speaker Mwanamwambwa said all the three Bills had unanimously agreed to and that they had now passed pending to be assented to by President Banda.

“The yes [yes] have it. The amendments are agreed to, and the Bills have passed. We have passed the Bills with more than two-third majority,” said Speaker Mwanamwambwa.

Following the amendments, the salary of the Vice-President is now scaled on K99, 227, 544, special allowance K33, 886, 567 and utility allowance of K26, 680, 000. The Speaker’s salary is K86, 284, 817, special allowance, K30, 0449, 625, utility allowance, K26, 680, 000. Deputy Speaker’s salary, K75, 117, 124, special allowance, K26, 382, 673, utility allowance K266, 680, 000, Cabinet minister’s salaries is now pegged at K75, 117, 124, special allowance, K26, 382, 673, utility allowance, K26, 680, 000. Chief Whip’s salary K75, 117, 124, special allowance K 26, 382, 673, utility allowance K26, 680, 000. Leader of the opposition’s salary K75, 117,124, special allowance K26,382,673, utility allowance K26, 680, 000 per month. Deputy minister’s salary K70,953, 186, special allowance K24, 107, 904, utility allowance K26, 680, 000 per month, while a private member of parliament’s salary will be K70, 161, 239, special allowance, K19, 165, 615, with utility allowance of K26, 680, 000.

For the constituency allowances, the Vice-President rural allowance is pegged at K20, 010, 000, urban K16, 008, 000, nominated K13, 340, 000.

The same allowances will apply to the speaker, Deputy Speaker, Cabinet ministers, Chief Whip, private member and leader of the opposition.

For the deputy ministers, rural allowance is pegged at K20, 100, 000, urban K16, 008, 000, while nominated will be getting K13, 340, 000.

Secretary to the cabinet’s salary per annum is now at K159, 340, 959 and a responsibility allowance of K48, 300, 000. Attorney general K135, 485, 950 and responsibility allowance of K41, 400, 000. Investigator general K129, 034, 245 with responsibility allowance of K41, 400, 000. The same entitlements will apply to the Auditor general. Solicitor general will get K129, 034, 245, responsibility allowance of K35, 479, 800 and the same entitlements will apply to the director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

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