
Monday, November 17, 2008

(NYASATIMES MALAWI) Malawi Civil Service! Besieged By Neo-Nazi Sadists!

Malawi Civil Service! Besieged By Neo-Nazi Sadists!
Font size: Nyakuchenya Ganda 15 November, 2008 01:00:00

The Daily Times article of 13th November 2008 that some government officers in various Ministries have been claiming allowances “1000 days” a year must be a source of consternation and mortification to Malawians who work so hard to earn their money.

It is stupefying and vexing to imagine that there are still people in this world who think they can get away with such massive fraud in a small economy like ours. The DPP purists may have to go to work now before the volcano erupts--for it will soon.

There is more to this than meets the discerning mind.

It is obvious that Andrew Daudi, PS for Agriculture and his colleagues in other Ministries have been sitting on a brewing catastrophe while enjoying the vulgar opulence of their offices.

I will not be surprised to hear that Daudi almost had a coronary and had the “Ntonjani” going down the wrong way when the news about this scandal hit him in the face.

True even Cabinet Ministers have become so “needy and seedy” in this country, to the point of allocating subsidized fertilizer coupons to themselves.

Did we not hear that some subsidy fertilizer pockets were seen leaving the spectacular confines of State House on their way to a fraudulently acquired Farm in the Southern region of the country?

Yea this is the much touted “Kodak Malawi”--Wezi Kayira has his work cut out for him. If he accurately knows that, and his track record exhibits that he is a good prosecutor, then he may have to go beyond the 20 interdicted officers and cast his net wider than he ever imagined he would.

The whole civil service is in total decay and disarray so that it needs a complete overhaul to root out this scourge from the surprisingly very soft underbelly.

By the throat, how does an individual get bloated allowances while some dedicated employees can not even access the same finances when they genuinely need them? Pensioners for example, spend so many months without their meager pays just because the fat cats are feeding themselves off their fat.

To see these well qualified professionals resort to mercenary and knee-chopping tactics to defraud government is gut wrenching. But we are in Malawi where all you need is to belong to Mulhako WA Alhomwe and you are spared the “beans” for whatever heinous crime you commit.

This state of affairs is very sad for it does not in any way present an edifying manifestation of those public officers with good morals who selflessly serve our nation. The good mantra that public officers are renowned for has been torn to shreds by this lack of common sense and nobody can appreciate that folly. Unfortunately!

Stories of junior officers being denied allowances just because some selfish economic glutton in the Ministry is traveling with his obnoxious concubine to the field are rampant as they are ugly.

Suffice to conclude that such manipulation and severe abuse of government coffers is only possible because the controlling officers are the ones forming the diamond spearhead that indiscriminately punches through audit controls and trails to enrich themselves at the expense of the poor masses in the village who look up to government to provide them with life saving services.

We have heard of Ms. Rose Luphale, one of the “numerous philandering nieces” from the in-crowd of the Mulhako WA Alhomwe that she was given license to embezzle government finances at will by virtue of sharing wedlock of consanguinity with her uncle.

Mind you although this is happening at the OPC, Bright Msaka “conveniently” looks away!

Principal for Agriculture Andrew Daudi, Charles Matabwa’s buddy, may have come up with new measures to curb such fraud in future. But where was he when his boys were literary dancing them selves lame by corrosively sucking away the public fat?

Doesn’t his job description require him to ensure that Government resources are not abused by selfish thieves who impersonate technocrats at any time? Although it has the "Mulhako" tag attached to it?

Folks! This is what it means when Principal Secretaries and other top goats spend time globetrotting and kicking their heels with HIV infested whores--attending conferences meant for junior officers. They have no time to analyze and manage their accounting systems so that everything comes as a surprise when it is reported to them.

Did Daudi really have to wait for 40 Million Kwacha to go down the drain for him to realize the extent of the pestilence that was chewing away at his credibility? What is the duty of government accountants and auditors if not to make sure that accounting systems are not being breached with so much licentiousness?

The other explanation could be--this is very well organized crime bordering on Mafioso type of fraudulence. Top government officials or neo-nazi sadists are benefiting from the illegal financial windfall accrued. These are the people who append their signatures to the counterfeit payment vouchers and authorize the bogus trips.

This is not even a one off situation but a deep seated plague that has been lying latent in the Civil Service system for years and will take a titanic effort and lots of discipline to get rid off.

Whether Wezi Kayira will successfully prosecute such cases of nauseating malfeasance is another matter because these tricksters will make sure that they use the very same accomplices who have been spared the hatchet to adulterate evidence.

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