
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

(NYASATIMES MALAWI) Malawi commemorates Africa Statistics Day

Malawi commemorates Africa Statistics Day
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Nyasa Times 18 November, 2008 07:16:00

Malawi today joins the rest of the African states in celebrating the African Statistics Day as a reminder to increase public awareness about the important role statistics play in all aspects of social and economic life. According to the National Statistical Office (NSO) in Zomba, the day will be commemorated under the theme; “Challenges of Rising Food Prices and Agricultural Development in Africa: the Role of Statistics”.

The main event will be celebrated at Mchinji Community Center ground. November 18 was adopted in May 1990 as the African Statistics Day by the twenty-fifth Session of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and the Sixteenth Meeting of African Ministers responsible for Economic Planning and Development.

This year’s theme has been chosen because, according to a statement, “agriculture remains the dominant sector in most African economies and contributes significantly to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), national exports and employment but the recent escalation of food prices” threaten economic growth, peace and security.

“The African Day Celebrations this year, therefore, aim to highlight the need for countries to do more to improve the collection, management and use of agricultural data and information for national development, and to build an understanding of the ways in which the detrimental effects of climate change on agricultural production might be mitigated,” says the statement.

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