
Thursday, November 20, 2008

(NYASATIMES MALAWI) Malawi opposition spokesman death threatened, police confirm

Malawi opposition spokesman death threatened, police confirm
Josh Ashaz
20 November, 2008 01:36:00

Malawi Police have confirmed that opposition UDF-Alliance spokesman Humphrey Mvula received death threats and reported the matter to the law enforcers who are investigating.

According to Limbe Police officials, Mvula has been reporting to the Cops about receiving various anonymous texts on his mobile phone threatening him with arrest and even death.Police report of Mvula dated November 7 said Mvula an SMS on his phone on 31st October 2008 at 08.06.04 am from a sender who described himself as Mr. S. Phiri, using mobile phone number 04 066 922.

The message read: “Bwana Mvula, I’m S. Phiri. I am in a meeting here in Lilongwe Police trying to arrest you on several charges including one of rape of a minor…they want to pick you today or whenever and a plot to kill you has been staged at your home in BCA.”

In the police report, Mvula said upon receipt of the message, he took two actions.

“First, I called the number and the individual on the other side responded that he was in a meeting and that he would call me back.

“Secondly, at 08:20 am same day I reported the matter to the Officer-in-Charge of Limbe Police Mr. Kamwera, who assured me that he would look into the matter,” Mvula’s police report reads.

The UDF alliance spokesman said he reported the same matter Mr. Chimalizeni, Commissioner of Police for Southern Region on November 4 who advised him to submit a formal report for police action.

“I have since then received several anonymous telephone calls on the same subject and advising me about a plot to kill me,” Mvula’s formal report reads.

“Whilst I have never taken such anonymous calls seriously, this message is however worrying because the one who sent the initial text claimed that he was at Lilongwe Police Station attending a meeting whose agenda was about my imminent arrest and a plot to kill me at my BCA Residence,” said the submission of Mvula.

Sources familiar with death threats which have been common to those who give dissenting views against government say they normally originate from an operative at State House.

Last year, private practice lawyer, Titus Mvalo, was also receiving the death threats on his mobile.

“I am suspicious of a man who is connected to State House. I represented him in a criminal case and won it. Sheriffs pounced on him after he failed to pay K186, 250.00 only in legal fees,” Mvalo told Malawi News.

Mvalo said by winning the case, he saved the man from being in jail for 14 years.

The lawyer said the man used to call him at night between 7 PM and 10 PM through a private number and reported the matter to police.

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