
Monday, November 10, 2008

(NYASATIMES MALAWI) Malawi population grows to 13 million - census results out

Malawi population grows to 13 million - census results out
Rubby Suzghika 10 November, 2008 11:24:00

Malawians: Population growing

Results of the recent Malawi population and housing census have been released. Preliminary results show Malawi population has increased to 13.1 million people. Capital city, Lilongwe had more people compared to commercial capital, Blantyre, the survey revealed.Of the total population enumerated during the census, about 13 percent were enumerated in the Northern Region, 42 percent in the Southern Region and 45 percent in the Central Region.

National Statistic Office (NSO) which conducted the survey amidst accusation of corruptly employing enumerators said the population and housing census is a truly scientific and modern census.

NSO said result was based on the comprehensive enumeration of persons and not in any way influenced by any other consideration.

The enumeration exercise involved 13,157 enumerators, 2501 field supervisors, 390 Control Centre supervisors and 91 district supervisors.

The enumeration was witnessed by the donor community (DFID, Irish UNDP and UNFPA) .The exercise targeted all Malawians and other persons residing in the country.

The diplomatic community and foreign military personnel were however excluded as per the UN recommendations according to NSO.

The average Malawian lives to only 37 years old because of HIV/aids, malaria and malnutrition.

The country remains one of the 10 impoverishe in the world and over 55% of the population is living on less that £1 per day.

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