
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

(NYASATIMES MALAWI) MCP manifesto put emphasis on agriculture

MCP manifesto put emphasis on agriculture
Charles Kufa
26 November, 2008 02:44:00

The basic thrust of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) 2009 election manifesto will be to revitalize the agriculture sector as a gate-way to achieve long term self sufficiency in food production, the party spokesman has said.

Ishmael Chafukila, MCP spokesman said the John Tembo led administration would want to achieve economic progress with a human face hence the priority to food security and nutrition.

“Our manifesto will zero-in on agriculture as a major component,” Chafukila said.

He did not disclose the time MCP will unveil the manifesto saying the party is “not in a hurry” to release the electoral pledge.

“Whatever is in the manifesto will be easily absorbed by the public,” said Chafukila.

MCP said the 2009 manifesto lays down the party’s broad policy framework to reverse the declining trend in social-economic development.

Chafukila expressed that under the presidential candidature of JZU Tembo, MCP stands ready to contest in the May elections and to meet the expectations of Malawians.

“MCP is the only party that can fulfill the aspirations of Malawians,” he said.

“Hon JZU Tembo is determined to bring genuine social economic development in the country,” said the spokesman.

MCP said once elected, JZU will take Malawi on a course of rapid recovery in the social and economic sphere.

Chafukila described JZU and his party as a well equipped team with necessary sound insight, strategies and policies.Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) spokesman Nicholous Dausi said the ruling party cannot hint on its manifesto saying doing so would allow its competitors to “steal” strategies suggested in their blue print.

“Manifesto is very important ingredient in any political party because that’s where you spell out your points, programmes, vision and ideologies,” he said.

“As DPP we would want to launch our manifesto at a right time,” said Dausi.

United Democratic Front (UDF) deputy secretary general Hophmally Makande said the party will launch its manifesto within a period of a month or two.Makande however pointed out that the draft manifesto of UDF is more honest, specific and free of pro-poor jargons.

“The UDF promises are more specific, transparent, realistic and to the point on development priorities,” said Makande.

Noel Mbowela a political analyst said parties should unveil their manifesto quickly to allow the electorate to critique and make an informed choice in good time.

Mbowela speaking on Capital FM radio that the party which will put economic development as its primary goal will get support of voters.

“Economy nowadays is a very big issue all over the world,” he said.

Mbowela said Malawians are looking for a manifesto that will contain “economic sustainability in the context of agriculture sector.”

Pofela Nyekanyeka, a political scientist said only “citizens centered” manifesto will win hearts of the electorate.

“Parties should come up with strategies for genuine economic growth that are citizens centered,” he said.

“Citizens want policies which can articulate economic growth that should trickle down to the poor people not mere rhetoric and slogans,” Nyekanyeka said.

Malawi hold its presidential and parliamentary elections on May 19, 2009 in which incumbent Bingu wa Mutharika will face his predecessor Bakili Muluzi and MCP’s JZU Tembo as main

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