
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

(NYASATIMES) Mutharika: Using one option, to block the website

Mutharika: Using one option, to block the website
In what amounts to suffocation of freedom of expression, the Government of Malawi is blocking access to the Nyasa Times newspaper website.

President Ngwazi Bingu wa Mutharika ordered state security to ensure online publication, Nyasa Times website is blocked and internet services providers in Malawi are under threat following the order.

The internet service providers are blocking the websites’ IP-address, following a stories Nyasa Times have published exposing Mutharika in corrupt deals and about his health problem.

The blocking of the online publication will revive concerns about the country's attitude towards internet censorship and press freedom.

Security forces are trying to monitor or restrict access to Nyasa Times by government computers.

Some “senior officials” have instructed IT personnel to monitor civil servants visits to “forbidden web pages” such as Nyasa Times.

Mutharika has accused former president Dr Bakili Muluzi for “spreading lies” through Nyasa Times and Nyasanet discussion forum on the subject of his prostate cancer.

Service providers are trying hard to hack the Nyasa Times website so that it cannot be accessed within Malawi.

Nyasa Times editorial management said they working on a “tangible plan” to by-pass the government draconian exercise.

Under the regime of President Mutharika, Malawians media has suffered great oppression.

Critics of the authorities are systematically pressured into withholding their views, and journalists criticizing the government are often intimidated and harassed.

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