
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Police arrest Radio Chengelo manager Fr Bwalya over post-election programme

Police arrest Radio Chengelo manager Fr Bwalya over post-election programme
Written by Zumani Katasefa and Speedwell Mupuchi in Kitwe
Thursday, November 13, 2008 8:22:26 AM

RADIO Chengelo station manager Fr Frank Bwalya was yesterday picked up by Kitwe police officers after conducting a special live post-elections programme.
The police officers went to Radio Chengelo around 16:30 hours when Fr Bwalya's programme was on air.

The officers ordered that the programme be cancelled, claiming that it was inciting the people. But workers at the station said it was not possible to end the programme because it was live.

The officers waited for Fr Bwalya and immediately picked him up after he ended his programme. Fr Bwalya was then taken to Kitwe district police headquarters for questioning and interrogated for about 45 minutes, from 17:15 hours to 18:00 hours.
Police then moved Fr Bwalya to an unknown place but believed to be Kalulushi where he was detained.

At Kitwe Police Station, the officers almost detained journalists who were covering Fr Bwalya's arrest. The police officers also prevented journalists from following the car, registration number ABA 7383, in which Fr Bwalya was bundled.
Immediately after the vehicle carrying Fr Bwalya left the police premises, police officers closed the entrance and warned that they did not want any other car to follow them.

"We can detain and charge you for disorderly conduct at the police station," one police officer said.

Fr Bwalya was not accompanied by a lawyer and was alone as he was being whisked away from the police station. Former Kitwe mayor Marita Kasonde openly wept as Fr Bwalya was being led away from the police station. Kasonde threatened to undress before the police officers.

Earlier when contacted, Fr Bwalya confirmed his detention but said he would comment on the matter after 20 minutes. But when attempts were made to contact him later, his mobile phone had been switched off.

Mission Press director Fr Miha Drevensek warned the government not to play with Radio Chengelo because it served the people of the Copperbelt Province.
Fr Miha said it was unacceptable for the government to intimidate an innocent Catholic priest when there were many issues that needed their attention such as the rising prices of mealie meal in the country.

Fr Miha said the police officers should have gone to the Bishop of Ndola Diocese who is in charge of the radio station.

He also wondered why the police never pursued losing Ndola Central constituency MMD candidate Mary Zambezi and her supporters who almost abducted, harassed and insulted Post reporter Abigail Chaponda in Ndola over a story she wrote on the verification of ballot papers.

"Fr Bwalya's arrest is an affront to press freedom. Why should they take a Catholic priest like a criminal? Government is playing with the people of the Copperbelt. I beg them not to play with the people because Radio Chengelo is their baby. Mealie-meal prices are high and that is an insult because people are suffering," Fr Miha said.

"Let them cool the situation instead of blowing it up because people are angry. The political situation needs to be cooled down, not with harassment and intimidation, but by fulfilling their election promises of a better life for all.

"If they [government] want to express themselves, let them go and speak to the people on Radio Chengelo. Let them speak to the people."

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