
Monday, November 03, 2008

Rupiah’s victory shocks Kabwe residents

Rupiah’s victory shocks Kabwe residents
Written by Katwishi Bwalya and Inonge Noyoo in Kabwe
Monday, November 03, 2008 7:07:11 AM

SOME Kabwe residents have received the news of MMD presidential candidate Rupiah Banda's victory with shock. Most residents challenged President Banda to now prove to Zambians especially the majority who did not vote for him that he was the right person for the job.

In an interview, some residents said the news was shocking but they hoped that President Banda would continue from where late president Mwanawasa left to uplift the living standards of the ordinary people.

"Yes, I am shocked to hear those results because I was not expecting to see the results but it seems that's what the people of Zambia had wanted. But I can only hope that the victory of [President] Banda reflects the will of the people," Saukani Nkhata said.

Abraham Kunda said although this year's election was well-organised and peaceful, he could not rule out the possibility of rigging.

"The elections have been fair and peaceful but in Africa they say it is very difficult to unseat the government in power, so we can't rule out rigging but it is very difficult to have facts on that," Kunda said.

Mukuka Chalwe said it was very difficult to accept the results but urged Zambians to support the MMD government.

"Everywhere we went people wanted change but that change has not come forth, so we have no option but to accept the current MMD government. Though I know it is very difficult but in all the results have been shocking," Chalwe said.

Francis Nyirongo, who claimed that he supported the Patriotic Front, vowed to continue supporting the party saying there was still hope in the party.

"I will continue supporting PF though we have lost and it is unfortunate but we will wait and see what happens," Nyirongo said.

Simon Moonga said people in rural areas, despite experiencing high poverty levels, had once again failed the people of Zambia by not voting out the MMD government.

"Our relatives in rural areas have once again disappointed the people of Zambia by going their own way in voting for this government because if you look at the pattern of voting from the rural areas I can call that careless voting. But the good thing is it has come from Zambians so we will see if this government can deliver to our expectation," Moonga said.

And Patriotic Front member of the central committee John Chisanga doubted the MMD victory mostly from the rural areas.

"The people who are always complaining about bad roads, lack of farming inputs and all sorts of things are the same people in rural areas but when they voted it was something else so we wonder what makes them popular in rural areas," Chisanga said.

He said although there was an improvement in the manner the elections were conducted there was need to ensure that political parties had people at ECZ to monitor the flow of results from all parts of the country.

"The work of monitors ended at polling stations but there was need for all stakeholders to witness the arrival of results unlike what we saw where, once the results have been sent there is no one to monitor that and verify the results until we hear them being announced," said Chisanga.

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