
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Elders support withholding of aid to Zimbabwe

COMMENT - Maybe they think the Zimbabwean economy is not bad enough?

Elders support withholding of aid to Zimbabwe
Comment by Ralph Mutema – Zim Guardian correspondent in Harare
Tue, 25 Nov 2008 04:32:00 +0000

THE group of Elders who had intended to visit Zimbabwe this week have indicated that they are supportive of South Africa’s decision to withhold an aid package for Zimbabwe, at the same time they issued a statement saying Zimbabwe was on the verge of a humanitarian crisis.

Former Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan criticised the Southern African Development Community over its decision urging President Robert Mugabe to form an all-inclusive Cabinet immediately to resolve the humanitarian crisis.

Speaking in Johannesburg as leader of an “Elders” group, Annan said that SADC should have done more to break the political deadlock in Zimbabwe.

The former secretary general did not say exactly what he meant by “more”, but there are suggestions that the group of “Elders” would like to see the executive powers of President Mugabe curtailed.

The statement by Annan is in direct contrast to an earlier statement he issued Monday saying that the "Elders" trip was “not political”, but humanitarian. The decision made by SADC was a political decision and Annan’s statement is, in all respects, a political statement.

"SADC must bring its full weight to bear," Annan, flanked by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and Graca Machel, the wife of former South African President Nelson Mandela, told reporters in Johannesburg.

"I think it is clear that SADC should have done more," he added.

Although the group was on a tour to assess and help resolve the humanitarian crisis in the country, Graca Machel, was supportive of South Africa’s decision to withhold some $28 million (18.5 million pounds) in food aid to Zimbabwe.

This amount was destined for the people of Zimbabwe who are in need of food assistance. The same group of Elders issued a statement last month criticizing President Mugabe of suspending NGO activity in the country.

Machel who claimed that she was concerned about the plight of suffering Zimbabweans said the withholding of aid was necessary “to apply pressure”.

“Applying pressure” is not consistent with the “Elders’” claim that they are on a humanitarian trip.

In complete disregard of the plight of suffering Zimbabweans, Machel said: “"That's a good tone. Maybe other SADC nations should consider doing the same," in reference to a statement issued by the South African Cabinet a few days ago withholding the aid package.

Maybe the “Elders” were indeed on a political trip.

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