
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Has Tsvangirai ditched Sadc and the AU?

Has Tsvangirai ditched Sadc and the AU?
Nyasha - Opinion
Mon, 17 Nov 2008 02:00:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR – I do not know what to make of the MDC leader’s absence from a crucial meeting of his executive on Friday. We hear that he is now in France consulting on the progress of Zimbabwean talks. Why France? Why Europe? I thought the MDC-T party’s next step was the African Union. Apparently not.

The issue of a passport for me is not important, but it would be good to know how he managed to travel to the European Union without a valid travel document, and whether he is still coming back to Zimbabwe.

I would hate to imagine that Tsvangirai could opt to leave MDC-T supporters in Zimbabwe to fight their own war without him. How much can the MDC-T supporters take of these antics? They voted for him, but always get the second class treatment from a man preaching to offer them first class treatment.

We hope the EU will do for Tsvangirai, what Sadc and the AU would not do for him and his MDC-T party. And we hope he will not come back to the same organisations he seems to be abandoning!

London, UK

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