
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) MDC-T back to 'Square One'

MDC-T back to 'Square One'
Tendai Njarava – Opinion
Tue, 25 Nov 2008 05:07:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR – Despite the many political words and statements that have been flying by for the last two weeks, we are back to square one – Tsvangirai urged to join the unity government.

Many of us have always argued that the only way out of this situation was an all-inclusive government.

I personally support Dr Simba Makoni because he is a visionary and I can see his political ascendancy taking shape in the next few years, if not months. He was the first to suggest a GNU against the arguments of many political analysts and activists.

Morgan Tsvangirai has run around the world and Zanu PF has done what it does best – wait for all those who talk to run out of steam, and indeed the MDC-T leadership has run out of steam and their options have dwindled. They are now showing signs of exhaustion, mentally and physically.

The possibility of taking this issue to the UN on humanitarian grounds is now out of the question – which is what the Elders would have recommended after their trip to Zimbabwe, had it materialised. That trip failed (or was foiled) and Tsvangirai has to rethink his strategy.

Biti’s tough talk has gone to nought. He is now back in South Africa and will soon be back, with Morgan Tsvangirai and everyone else, in Zimbabwe to face President Robert Mugabe and Zanu PF. This is where the debate should have been in the first place.

Lastly, is it not interesting that every time Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga is asking for money (assistance) from the West, he says something bad about Zimbabwe?

The last time was when he visited the US and assured Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice that he would remain vocal on Zimbabwe. He also issued a critical statement about Zimbabwe when he visited Number 10 Downing Street asking for assistance from Gordon Brown.

Tendai Njarava
Supporter of Dr Simba Makoni

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