Monday, November 24, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) Media perpetuating problems in Zimbabwe

Media perpetuating problems in Zimbabwe
Tendai Nyadiri – Opinion
Sun, 23 Nov 2008 20:20:00 +0000

DEAR EDITOR – As a Zimbabwean living in London and as someone who is concerned about the plight of people back home, I am appalled by the level of debate I have heard from so-called political analysts who cropped from nowhere and became experts on Zimbabwe. The debates I hear on various radio programmes on Zimbabwe are appalling to say the least.

Zimbabweans now find it very fashionable to just criticize Zanu PF with proffering solutions to the crisis.

There is also a general lack of understanding of the depth of the crisis in Zimbabwe. Many of the discussions have either been very shallow or have failed to capture the root causes of the Zimbabwean crisis.

It is one thing criticizing those in power and not looking at how differently you would do things if you were in power.

A new crop of leaders should be nurtured to lead Zimbabweans, but only through an informed media that explores issues and not play partisan politics with the news.

One online news source has been at the forefront of promoting the sending of troops into Zimbabwe. An employee of that publication was heard on BBC World Service suggesting that Zimbabweans should take up arms and move to the border of Zimbabwe.

This is gross irresponsibility by those who control the media. This “gutter journalism” has dealt a huge blow to an otherwise very influential profession.

The people of Zimbabwe need to be informed, but also should be given the opportunity to think for themselves rather than to be steered in the direction of those people who are trying to protect their own interests.

Tendai Nyadiri

London, UK



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