Sunday, November 23, 2008

(TALKZIMBABWE) The Zim Diaspora Dvpt Interface - Sat 22 Nov

The Zim Diaspora Dvpt Interface - Sat 22 Nov
Zimbabwean Diaspora Development Interface seminar
Fri, 21 Nov 2008 08:31:00 +0000

The Zimbabwean Diaspora Development Interface invites you to take part in a seminar on strategic options available to Zimbabwe during the current global economic crisis which has disrupted economies worldwide.


Seminar Programme

Theme: Strategic Options for Zimbabwe's Economic Recovery Plan in World Recession: A Case for the Diaspora!

Date: 22nd November, 08

Venue: Tower Building, London Metropolitan University, 166-220 Holloway Rd N7 8DB

Registration & Introductions: 12.30

Presentations: 12.45

· Zimbabwe Diaspora Development Interface (Msekiwa Makwanya)
· Zimbabwean Gentlemen’s Club (Leslie Maruziva)
· Zimbabwe Institute of Engineers UK (Husdon Taivo)
· Guest of Honour Dr Nkosana Moyo

Plenary Session: 13.45

Lunch Break: 14:00

Group Discussions on strategic options: 14:15- 14:45

Summary and Outcome by the Rapporteur 14 :45pm

Votes of Thanks: 15:00

Resource Persons

Dr Nkosana Moyo

Dr. Nkosana Moyo is a senior adviser to Actis and chair’s Actis Advisory Board in Africa. Based in London. Dr. Moyo joined Actis in January 2004, after a career in industry, commerce and financial services spanning a period of 20 years. Prior to joining Actis, Nkosana was with the International Finance Corporation in Washington. He previously served as Zimbabwe's Minister for Industry and Trade. Nkosana holds a PhD in physics from Imperial College, London and an MBA from Cranfield School of Management. He is a World Economic Forum Global Leader of Tomorrow and an Eisenhower Fellow.

Mr Hudson Taivo, MSc, BSc Eng (Hons), DipFM, MIHT

Mr Hudson Taivo is a senior engineer currently working for a global firm of consulting engineers. He has particular expertise in the design and construction management and supervision of major civil engineering works including motorways, major roads, railways, residential and commercial infrastructure and sports and leisure facilities. Taivo has worked on projects in Africa, United Kingdom, mainland Europe, North America and Australia, and he has also gained considerable experience in transport planning and financial appraisal of civil engineering schemes. A graduate of the University of Zimbabwe and former assistant editor of the UZ student Magazine Campus; Hudson is currently the treasurer of the UK Branch of the Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers. He is also the editor of the Members’ quarterly Newsletter, whose current circulation is over 300 and includes engineers of Zimbabwean extraction scattered all over the globe.

Mr Msekiwa Makwanya

Mr Msekiwa Makwanya is a Senior Social Work Practitioner registered with the General Social Care Council in the UK where he is currently working. He has a special interest in Community Development, Social Entrepreneurship and Change Management. Makwanya holds an MA in Communities, Organisations and Social Change (City University London); a BSc in Psychology (Honours) UZ; a Diploma in Social Work and and a Change Management Diploma (Birkbeck College, University of London). Msekiwa also contributes regularly to social and political discussions on Zimbabwe through various media. He was the Public Relations Officer and key strategist for Graciano Masauso Fund Raising Campaign in 1999 in Zimbabwe for a successful kidney transplant that took place in South Africa and is the current Co-ordinator of the Zimbabwe Diaspora Development Interface.

NB: Due limited places available attendance is strictly by registration via


Pachatofamunhu Chete • n/a
Subject: n/a
Sat, 22 Nov 2008 13:43:18 • This meeting is a bit dubious. Most of the names listed here are names of failed opposition political parties leaders whose attempts at regime change in Zimbabwe at the behest of their political masters in the UK failed spectacularly. Now they want to chart a way forward for Zimbabwe by hosting a ''seminar on strategic options available to Zimbabwe during the current global economic crisis that has disrupted economies worldwide''. How about simply asking ''master'' to remove the sanctions you were gladly calling for just for once and you have your answer to the strategic option available to Zimbabwe in coping with this crisis that has been with the country for the past 10 years.The crisis is not a recent event in Zimbabwe, but in Europe! Dream on! At least you know who I am referring to, dont you? Dont try to be nice when you engineered and participated in the drafting of sanctions that have caused great loss of lives to our people. Arsonists have at times turned out to be over-enthusiastic firefighters, they get a sado-masochistic orgasm through it. This is what this grouping is all about!

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At 4:52 PM , Blogger hphiri said...

I do not have any comment at the moment but I need to register with you
Thank you


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