
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

There is real hunger in Luangwa- councillors

There is real hunger in Luangwa- councillors
November 11, 2008

Villagers in Luangwa district are surviving on wild fruits as the price of maize and mealie meal has become unaffordable to majority of them. Civic leaders, who stormed the ZANIS office in the district today, said a critical shortage of food has hit the area, forcing people to survive on wild fruits commonly known as Kapuku.

Luangwa district Council Chairman, Bruno Phiri, who was accompanied by MMD District Secretary, Patrick Tembo and several other councillors, said there was real hunger in the district.

Mr. Tembo, who is also Kaunga Ward Councillor, said a 5 kg tin of maize corn was selling at K10,000 while Breakfast meal and Roller meal were going at K70,000 and K65,000 respectively which most of the villagers cannot afford.

The civic leaders appealed to Government to consider sending relief food or maize for sale before lives are lost.

Luangwa District Council chairman, Bruno Phiri, has also called on government to consider re-graveling the Luangwa D145 main road as it is already in a deplorable state.

Mr Phiri said the main road was in a bad state and requires urgent attention before the on-set of the rains.

He said the road was the only link to other districts and if not worked on now, the district will be cut off from the rest of the country, adding that food supplies and farming implements will not reach the area.

The Luangwa D145 main road was last worked on in 2006 by Sable Contractors and it is now in a deplorable state, forcing transporters to hike transport fares.

Categories: Other News

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