
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Voting pattern shows workers’ disapproval of MMD- FFTUZ

Voting pattern shows workers’ disapproval of MMD- FFTUZ
Written by Florence Bupe
Wednesday, November 05, 2008 5:55:53 AM

THE voting pattern in the recent presidential elections clearly shows that the MMD has been rejected by the workers, the Federation of Free Trade Unions of Zambia (FFTUZ) has observed.

FFTUZ executive secretary Lyson Mando said the voting pattern was an indication that Zambia's labour force was discontented with the responsible ministry under the MMD government.

"The voting pattern in the recent presidential elections says volumes. The pattern clearly shows that the MMD has been rejected by workers, and the reason is simple. The Ministry of Labour has not been behaving responsibly," he charged.

Mando said the Ministry of Labour had sidelined stakeholders in issues affecting them, and urged President Rupiah Banda to ensure that Zambia's labour force was effectively taken care of under his leadership.

And Mando challenged the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to seriously address the disputes being raised by opposition political parties over last Thursday's election. He said ECZ needed to explain the electoral irregularities that characterised the election.

"ECZ must explain how some people were found with marked ballot papers," Mando demanded.

He warned that Zambians would be discouraged from participating in elections if these concerns were not addressed. Mando observed that failure by ECZ to satisfactorily address the concerns being raised by various stakeholders could risk the future of democracy in Zambia.

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