Monday, December 22, 2008

Ban warns over challenges facing developing countries

Ban warns over challenges facing developing countries
Written by Maluba Jere
Monday, December 22, 2008 8:46:59 AM

DEVELOPING nations are facing multiple global challenges that threaten to reverse development progress as never before, United Nations (UN) secretary general Ban Ki-moon has warned.

In his message to mark the fifth observance of the UN Day for South-South Cooperation, Ban urged developing nations to share their experiences, policies and technologies to ensure that hard-won gains were not lost.

“Today, the worldwide crises in finance, food and climate change call for even greater cooperation among developing countries,” he said.

Ban noted that while countries of the global south had in previous years recorded considerable development gains to celebrate, the worldwide crises in finance, food and climate change called for even greater cooperation among developing countries.

He said the South-South cooperation could play a significant role in the fight against climate change, which he termed “the quintessential global threat.”

Ban noted that many developing countries were adopting low-carbon development paths, backed by renewable energy and energy efficiency and encouraged countries to share these experiences, policies and adaptation technologies.

And UN deputy secretary general Asha-Rose Migiro highlighted the crucial role that horizontal cooperation could play in helping calm the impact of current challenges.

“This celebration of South-South cooperation comes at a propitious time as the world struggles to find a way out of the financial, food and fuel crises,” said Migiro.

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