
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Bush’s comments on illegal regime change are stupid, foolish – Mugabe

Bush’s comments on illegal regime change are stupid, foolish – Mugabe
Written by George Chellah in Harare, Zimbabwe
Wednesday, December 24, 2008 2:30:46 PM

PRESIDENT Robert Mugabe yesterday said US President George Bush and his administration's comments on illegal regime change are stupid and foolish and that Zimbabwe will not pay attention to a 'sunset' administration.

And President Mugabe accused some western countries of enlisting dissidents from the ruling ZANU-PF to plot the party's demise.

Addressing mourners at the burial of a national hero, retired Major Gordon Sibanda at the national shrine in Harare, President Mugabe wondered why the US government was commenting on the power-sharing agreement between ZANU-PF and the two MDC formations.

He said only two days ago, the US administration declared that it was no longer accepting the process of an inclusive government in Zimbabwe.

“The inclusive government does not include Mr Bush and his administration," President Mugabe said. "It does not even know him. It has no relationship with him. Let him keep his comments to himself. They are undeserved, irrelevant, quite stupid and foolish."

President Mugabe's comments come barely two days after the US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer said President Bush's administration had lost confidence in the power-sharing agreement between ZANU-PF and MDC.

President Mugabe further said the recent comments from the Bush administration were nothing but the last kicks of a dying horse.

“We obviously are not going to pay attention to a sunset administration. Zimbabwe's fate lies in the hands of Zimbabweans. They are the ones therefore who should shape and champion their own destiny," he said.

He accused some western countries of enlisting dissidents from the ruling ZANU-PF to plot the party's demise.

“The emergence of dissident voices claiming to revive ZAPU (late Joshua Nkomo's party, which later merged with President Mugabe's party to form ZANU-PF after independence) must be dismissed with the contempt they deserve. They are being used to undermine the country's sovereignty and independence,” President Mugabe said. "They are becoming willing tools of the west being used to undermine the country's sovereignty and independence through the creation of bogus political parties meant to weaken the constituency base of the ruling party and engineer its political demise."

And earlier, President Mugabe's spokesperson George Charamba dismissed Jendayi Frazer's utterances on state media, saying they were nothing new.

"We have no time for US President George W Bush's diplomatic flute. We are talking about an administration whose sun has set. Why bother?" he asked.

He said British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's administration was also on its way out in Britain.

Charamba said Prime Minister Brown was ill advisedly trying to gain relevance back home through posturing on Zimbabwe.

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