
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Crushing people

Crushing people
Written by Editor

Crushing people is the only language Frederick Chiluba seems to know. For ten years he was in power, crushing was his main method of dealing with his political opponents or dissent. We have not forgotten how Chiluba tried to crash UNIP.

Under Chiluba, UNIP leaders were detained on a number of occasions on purely trumped-up charges of treason. Some UNIP leaders were paid by Chiluba, using public resources, to destroy, to crush UNIP. And the evidence of this was brought up by no other than former intelligence chief Xavier Chungu before the Supreme Court during hearing of a presidential election petition.

For us, Chiluba attempting to crush us will not be a new phenomena because throughout his reign, he tried to crush us but failed.

And Chiluba should not invoke God’s name in his criminal and evil doings. God’s name should not be used in his criminal intentions to crush people. This shows what type of a Christian Chiluba is – a Christian in words and not in deeds.

It is easy to make all sorts of pronouncements about being a Christian. He even declared Zambia a Christian nation but when it comes to deeds, Chiluba has nothing to show for all this Christianity propaganda. His deeds are satanic and evil.

A true Christian, a devout follower of Jesus Christ cannot do what Chiluba has done. Chiluba has stolen from one of the poorest people on this planet without remorse; knowing very well what the Bible says – thou shall not steal.

There is a chain of other commandments that Chiluba has broken without remorse. But he should know very well that he is not the only Christian in this country, that he is not the only son of God in this country. God is there for all the people and He is a God of justice. And being a God of justice, His name will not be used successfully to crush innocent people. If anything, it’s Chiluba and his crookedness that will be crushed.

The truth is Chiluba is an unrepentant, evil man who should be brought to justice. He has gotten away with a lot of wrong things in life but this time, it seems, things will be different.

Threats against the people who challenge him will certainly not do. Chiluba is simply a desperate and finished crooked politician not fit to go round masquerading as an example of a good Christian.

He will be very lucky to escape a prison sentence given the overwhelming evidence that is emerging from the London High Court.

In fact, it is clear from his desperation that Chiluba knows that the clock is ticking and the hour is fast approaching when he will be called upon to pay the price for his past misdeeds, his evil machinations. A day is coming when thieves shall be punished, when those who injure others shall pay the penalty.

Without doubt, Chiluba must be commiserating just like lice do among themselves when hot water for the bath is ready.

Chiluba’s arrogance will not save him from the impending Armageddon. Each time he speaks on his plunder cases, he is irritating our people with the filth that is coming out of his mouth. But Chiluba must be reminded that an arrogant leader is sure to meet with defeat.

It is foolish for Chiluba to anger the majority of our people who know and believe that he stole because they have seen the evidence; nor is it wise for him to do simply as he pleases because he thinks he is innocent. Chiluba should always remind himself that if his deeds displease the people, then disaster will surely follow.

It is said that the higher the climb, the further the fall. Yes, Chiluba will soon feel it as much as he plundered. His ravings and ranting will not shield him from facing justice.

Today, Chiluba can claim to be a devout Christian standing on a strong rock that is going to crush those criticising him for theft of public funds. However, his vain prayers will not be answered. He is striving after the wind. God does not answer such prayers.

Chiluba is behaving like a thief who has been caught in the act and suddenly goes in deep prayer asking God to rescue him from the good men and women in society who want to ensure that wrongdoing is punished.

If this prayer will be answered, then we will know what type of God Chiluba worships.

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