
Thursday, December 18, 2008

(DAILY MAIL) Muteteka upsets Mwanawasa family

Muteteka upsets Mwanawasa family

THE family of late President Levy Mwanawasa says it is embarrassed with media reports attributed to Chisamba member of Parliament (MP), Moses Muteteka, who has accused President Banda’s Government of failing to address economic challenges the country is facing. Mr Muteteka is an MMD MP and member of the Mwanawasa family.

Dr Mwanawasa’s uncle, Green Chilabika, said in a statement issued in Lusaka yesterday that it was unfortunate that Mr Muteteka could make such a public and scathing attack on President Banda, especially that the latter had been at the helm of Government for just over a month.

“As members of the Mwanawasa family, we are totally embarrassed and disappointed by the remarks Mr Muteteka is alleged to have made and carried under the headline ‘Rupiah’s leadership is failing’ in The Post newspaper of Monday, December 15, 2008,” he said.

Mr Chilabika said under President Banda’s leadership, Government was working hard to mitigate economic difficulties the country was going through as a result of the global economic crunch.

“Who can deny that Government is doing everything possible to weather the effects of the financial crises in the West on our economy? This is not the time to apportion blame for these problems,” he said.

Mr Chilabika said patriotic Zambians should join hands with Government in finding solutions to the economic problems the country was facing.

He said it was not only improper but also naive for Mr Muteteka to have made such statements when there were channels of communication within the MMD through which he could have expressed his views.

“Let Mr Muteteka remember that he was elected to Parliament on an MMD ticket. He is not an independent member of Parliament who can speak as he pleases,” Mr Chilabika said.

He said the late President Mwanawasa did his part and it was now up to those who took over his mantle to carry on.

Mr Chilabika said in the Mwanawasa family’s view, President Banda’s Government was doing a good job under difficult circumstances.

He advised Mr Muteteka against using the name of the late Dr Mwanawasa to allegedly advance his political ambitions and undermine the current Government’s efforts.

“He should henceforth desist from this,” Mr Chilabika said.

Mr Muteteka’s remarks have angered the MMD and have prompted the party to commence disciplinary procedures.
MMD spokesperson, Benny Tetemashimba, said on Monday that Mr Muteteka would be charged with insubordination for attacking Mr Banda.

Mr Tetamashimba said party national secretary, Katele Kalumba, had been instructed to charge Mr Muteteka with insubordination.

He said MMD deputy national chairman, Kabinga Pande, had also been instructed to chair a committee to look at the contents of the charge letter and report back to the national executive committee.

Mr Tetamashimba said Mr Muteteka, as an MP in the ruling party was aware of the communication channels when raising concerns on the running of the country’s affairs by the President.

Chief Government spokesperson, Ronnie Shikapwasha, said it was sad that Mr Muteteka criticised the leadership of his own party.

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