
Thursday, December 18, 2008

(DAILY MAIL) State to use economic zones for job creation

COMMENT - We have already seen how useless it is to just 'bring jobs' in exchange for no taxes, no profit sharing, no reinvestment, and no enforcement of labour or environmental laws. It isn't enough for minister Mutati to say what the terms are until the Japanese reveal their masterplan. There are far more effective ways to create jobs than by attracting 'foreign investment' at any cost. This does not sound good.

State to use economic zones for job creation

GOVERNMENT plans to use the multi-facility economic zones to create jobs for Zambians. One of the three expected zones is the almost US $1billion Chambishi Multi-Facility Economic Zone by Chinese investors which would create 6,000 direct jobs.

One of the three expected zones is the almost US $1billion Chambishi Multi-Facility Economic Zone by Chinese investors which would create 6,000 direct jobs.others being developed are Lusaka economic zone and one around Lumwana area in North-western province.

Mr Mutati said for Lusaka, the cost of the project would only be known once the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Malaysia completed development of the master plan.

He said the cost of the economic zone being developed around Lumwana area would only be known once the master plan was developed.

“The key thing is that, we want to use the tool of multi-facility zones for job creation,” he said.

Mr Mutati said in an interview in Lusaka, the projects were still at the designing stage while the actual construction could start in the first quarter of 2009.

He however said works at Chambishi zone had progressed with the smelter completed and power, sewerage and water system connected.

He said indirect jobs were also expected to be created by people providing services into the zone.

He said water and power utility companies would need to increase their capacity to supply into the zones.

He said people supplying products like vegetables and beverages would also need to expand and create jobs which may not be quantified.

“There will be more and more jobs created. We expect to see a boom in transport sector (taxis) and haulage companies,” he said.

Mr Mutati said development of Lumwana multi-facility zone was vital as it would help in value addition and supplying of products into markets, particularly Lumwana mine were suppliers already have an anchor investment that could benefit from the surrounding industrial base.

“If you go to Chambishi zone, you will see a change in the working culture both by Chinese and Zambians. People are now seeing the benefits of working hard, because they are earning a bit of income,” he said.

Mr Mutati said the key challenge Zambia had was creation of jobs, rather than keep people staying at home.

“We want people to get in gainful employment and this is the goal of Government,” he said.

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