
Friday, December 19, 2008

It’ll be folly for govt to maintain that there’re no problems – Nalubamba

It’ll be folly for govt to maintain that there’re no problems – Nalubamba
Written by Margaret Mtonga and Kelvin Tembo
Friday, December 19, 2008 12:56:45 PM

IT will be folly for the government to maintain that there are no problems in the country, Royal Establishment of Zambia chairperson chief Bright Nalubamba has said.

And Zambia Episcopal Conference (ZEC) spokesperson Fr Paul Samasumo has said the government should expect criticism from the Church despite the cordial relationship that exists.

In an interview yesterday, chief Nalubamba said President Rupiah Banda needs assistance to sort out the food crisis in the country, but described defence minister George Mpombo's threats that the government will deal with whoever is going to protest over the escalating mealie-meal prices as unconstitutional and provocative.

Chief Nalubamba said President Banda would not find the solutions to the food crisis without the help of the church, opposition leaders, civil society and traditional leaders.

He said the government should learn to accept criticism if it was meant to better the country. He said those criticising were not doing so because they wanted money out of it, but because they were looking at the interest of the nation.

“There is nothing to feel ashamed about. People should learn to accept when things are not ok,” he said.

Chief Nalubamba proposed that a national committee be formed comprising of opposition political party leaders, the Church, traditional leaders and civil society to be chaired by the vice-president to look at the current food crisis.

And chief Nalubamba said there was need for the government to be cautious in the way it handled the food crisis. He said threats from government were a toothless weapon to silence the poor, angry and hungry people in the country.

“Such threats from Mpombo and Kabonde can be weapons of destruction to cause violent demonstrations in the country,” he said. “The poor need responses to their needs and not threats; remember the saying that an empty stomach knows no law.”

Chief Nalubamba said there was urgent need for the government to call for constructive dialogue and involve people like Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata, UPND's Hakainde Hichilema and other stakeholders.

And Fr Samasumo said the government should consider the fact that the Church comprises of human beings who have the right to express their views on issues affecting the nation.

“The government should accept criticism and bear in mind that the Church does not seek political office whenever it speaks out on national issues,” Fr Samasumo said.

He said the current high mealie-meal prices in the country could only be resolved once the government fulfilled the promises that it made during the campaigns.

“If the Church makes comments on issues of national interest, the government should not think the Church is being malicious,” he said.

He said the government should welcome criticism the way they have called on the Church to pray for President Banda.

“The Church has always prayed for the government and we will criticise where necessary,” said Fr Sumasumo.

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