Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Lusaka bus drivers protest against Chilenje police officer-in-charge

Lusaka bus drivers protest against Chilenje police officer-in-charge
Written by Margaret Mtonga
Tuesday, December 02, 2008 5:06:47 AM

SEVERAL minibus bus drivers in Lusaka yesterday protested against the alleged corruption by Chilenje Police officer in charge, a Mr Chalwe, and demanded his immediate removal.

The protests by the minibus drivers on the Chilenje-Town route caused a serious transport disruption for most commuters who ended up using trucks or taxis, although at a higher fare.

A check by The Post found slogan-chanting bus drivers singing, with some keeping a close eye on the other drivers to ensure that no one started loading passengers between Chilenje and Town Centre using Chilumbulu Road.

Spokesperson for the minibus drivers Nicolas Banda said they were protesting because of the huge amounts of money that was demanded from them once charged for contravening by a traffic police traffic officer only known as Chalwe.

“We want the government to fire Chalwe because he is corrupt,” Banda alleged. “When he finds you contravening, he demands a K270,000 and that money is given to him later at the bar.”

Banda said the amount of money required when one is charged for failing to obey traffic regulations was K800, 000.

“And if you don’t have that amount, he negotiates with the drivers and tells us to pay just a K200,000 or K270,000,” Banda said.

He said the bus drivers were usually not given receipts for the money allegedly paid to Chalwe.

“Drivers decide to pay Chalwe the money because if we don’t, it means we won’t work the following day. Our government has a tendency of not adhering to our concerns,” said Banda. “This time, we will not resume operations unless Chalwe is fired we are tired of him,”

And when contacted for a comment, acting Inspector General of Police Francis Kabonde expressed disappointment with the drivers’ move to protest.

“When I got a message that the drivers were protesting, I immediately summoned Chalwe and he showed me the duplicate of the receipts were drivers make their payments for the impounded vehicles,” Kabonde said. “I have not received any reports to say that police officers are not giving receipts for the impounded cars.”

He advised minibus drivers not to resort to protests as his office was open for discussion whenever there was any problem affecting them.

And Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) director Fredrick Mwalusaka expressed disappointment with the decision by minibus drivers to protest, saying that was not the best solution.

“The behaviour of the minibus drivers is bad, but we can assure you that we will ensure that their concerns are addressed,” said Mwalusaka.

“I would also like to clear rumours by some people that RTSA has plans of increasing the road user fees; that not true.”

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