
Friday, December 26, 2008

(LUSAKATIMES) Support RB, don’t blame him - Siame

Support RB, don’t blame him - Siame
December 25, 2008

Luapula Province Acting Permanent Secretary, Clement Siame, has implored the public to give support to President Rupiah Banda in his quest to address economic challenges that the country was facing.

Mr. Siame said the current economic challenges Zambia and the rest of the world were going through needed concerted efforts and not blame it as a failure on the part of government.

He said there was no need to blame the current escalating mealie meal and other food prices on President Banda but on the global economic down turn which had affected even bigger economies than Zambia’s.

Mr. Siame said this during the 4th Quarter Provincial Development Coordinating Committee Meeting (PDCC) in Mansa.

Meanwhile Mr Siame has called on Heads of Government Departments in Luapula Province to ensure that they implemented government programmes to cushion the effects of the recent economic crisis that was obtaining in the country.

He said the failure to effectively execute government projects would further worsen the livelihood of the people on the ground and would be costly to the development of the country during the current economic meltdown.

“let us effect government programmes so that we mitigate some of the impacts of this economic recession. If we don nott implement these programmes we will be adding more salt to the wound,” Mr. Siame said.

And Mr Siame has warned that his office would next year not approve any payments for departments to implement projects without a work plan.

He said work plans were necessary because they helped in supervision and evaluation of the works being done on projects but some government departments did not see the essence of submitting the work plans to his office.

The PS noted that in the past, government had released huge sums of funds for project implementation by various departments in Luapula Province, but some departments had failed to implement the projects effectively.

He advised heads of government departments to be serious and committed when implementing government programmes for the people to benefit as intended.

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