
Thursday, December 25, 2008

LWF to spend K8.9bn on food security project

LWF to spend K8.9bn on food security project
Written by Christopher Miti in Chipata
Thursday, December 25, 2008 10:33:23 AM

LUTHERAN World Federation (LWF) has embarked on a four year food security project in Chama district at a cost of over K8.9 billion.

Chama district commissioner Peter Nyirenda said the project that would run from October 2008 to September 2012 was being implemented by the LWF's Department for World Service Zambia Programme.

Nyirenda said the project emanated from the appeal for food aid by the District Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit after Chama experienced floods during the 2006/2007 rainy season.

He said most infrastructure was destroyed and the district was also in dire need of food.

"When we were faced with floods, we appealed for assistance from the office of the Vice-President and they responded very well by giving us food, chlorine, and mosquito nets and when LWF officials from Canada visited the district, we made a passionate appeal for relief food, mosquito nets and chlorine because the water was contaminated. Now as a result of their findings, they came up with this Food Security for Vulnerable Households Project," Nyirenda said.

He said the project was being implemented in Chama because of high poverty levels and chronic food insecurity which undermind development efforts at community and household levels.

Nyirenda said the project would target Lunzi and Banzimu wards in Chama South and Mphalausenga and Luangwa in Chama North.

He also said the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), in conjuction with the World Food Programme (WFP), had also embarked on a programme of helping the vulnerable people.

Nyirenda said the programme by WCS and WFP would run from October 2008 to March 2009.

He said 400 households would benefit from the programme that would mainly be concentrated in Kambombo area and some parts of Muyombe.

Nyirenda further said the district had received 100 metric tonnes of maize for strategic food reserves from the office of the Vice-President.

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